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The voice actor of "Wild Escort 2" kept the game secret for five years!

Source: unknown Time: December 13, 2018 Click: 198 times


Gabriel Sloyer, the voice actor of "The Great Wild Escort 2", recently had a conversation with Eurogamer, the foreign media. In the conversation, he talked about his work experience in the project "The Great Wild Escort 2". He said that at the beginning, he was assigned to play the role of Javier Escuella in the game, but at that time he didn't even know what the game was because Star R didn't tell him. Sloyer started dubbing games as early as 2013, but he said that although no information about Star R was disclosed, he soon guessed what the game was.
Sloyer said: "At that time, I didn't know what role I played. However, there is no doubt that I guessed it in the first few months of work. The reason why I could guess it was because of the western American languages, which don't need any talent... Finally, we thought, what is the purpose of R Star's western theme?"
Sloyer went on to say that he was forbidden to tell anyone about the game project he was working on. Sloyer said, "R Star has done a good job in keeping secrets. You can't tell your girlfriend or anyone what you are doing. It has been five years!"
It seems that if someone had known that R Star was developing Wilderness Escort 2 five years ago, maybe now there are voice actors who are voicing GTA6, and they will surely know why they work in the game soon. However, at present, it seems that no information has been leaked, and it seems that R Star's confidentiality work is really well done.
The Wilderness Escort 2 is an action adventure open world game produced by Rockstar San Diego Studio and released by Rockstar, which is based on the history of the American western frontier. It is the legitimate sequel to the Wilderness Escort: Redemption released by the company in 2010. The game tells about the life poems blooming on the unrelenting wild land of the United States. This work has a huge and delicate open world, and it will also become the best stage for a new multi player experience.


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