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"You and Me" is a cheap wig that lowers the level of the play. The leading actor and actress have no acting skills and rely on dubbing

Source: unknown Time: November 27, 2018 Click: 176 times


"Time between You and Me", starring Zhao Liying and Jin Han, is being broadcast on Oriental Satellite TV, which has aroused heated discussion from dubbing to post production. Recently, director Zhang Feng responded to an interview, saying that the male lead is fully qualified, and the later dubbing is to ensure better quality.
In the characterization, the "smile" shows that the character is independent but not aggressive, which is the director Zhang Feng's understanding of the heroine Lin Qian. Therefore, when choosing actors, he hoped that the other party's smile would be sunny and infectious, and Zhao Liying's image and her professional attitude coincided with Zhang Feng's Lin Qian.
Speaking of Li Zhicheng's actor Jin Han, he revealed that although Jin Han did not pick Liang to play the leading role, in order to play this role, he had undergone hard military training before starting the machine, and the resulting military temperament and physique had been fully qualified for character creation, such as two gun battles and dozens of chase fights with very high risk factors, Jinhan asked him to complete all by himself.
In the play, many supporting actors, such as Yu Haoming and Cao Xiwen, use simultaneous voice, while the number one male and female uses dubbing, which has aroused heated debate among the audience. Zhang Feng said frankly that Lin Qian and Li Zhicheng, as the main characters, have the most scenes. However, the interference of simultaneous sound during the live shooting will affect the viewing. Moreover, the power of the later stage is very strong. Dubbing can make the voice more pure, the breath more accurate and the lines clearer.
In addition, many matt backgrounds in the play are also quite obvious. For example, in some outdoor plays, the blue sky and buildings behind the main characters have post production traces, which is not real shooting, which also indicates that the quality needs to be further improved. In this regard, Zhang Feng said frankly that there were some regrets in the late stage. Although China's post production has become world-class, its talent is far behind
Zhou Yiwei, a powerful actor in the eyes of many audiences, whose short guest performance in "You and My Time in the City" was rated as inconsistent with the image and temperament of "Lin Mochen" in the book. In this regard, Zhang Feng, the director, expressed his support for Zhou Yiwei. The screenwriter changed Lin Mochen's professional and social background, which made Lin Qian and Li Zhicheng's career and love line under inexplicable pressure. The actors themselves are excellent, their temperament is cold and arrogant, which is very suitable for Lin Mochen's design.


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