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The old movie bones, each of which has its own voice, returned to the screen with new works this year

Source: unknown Time: November 27, 2018 Click: 77 times


In fact, the film and television plays in inland China have developed well in recent years. More and more excellent actors can be known by everyone. But in the past, when the development of film and television dramas in inland China was not particularly good, the actors from Taiwan and Hong Kong were relatively famous and had a good market. Today, I want to introduce an old actor named Li Liqun. He is a well-known actor from Taiwan, China. I believe that many people have seen his TV play, which is a very skilled veteran.

Still photo of Li Liqun's new work Happy Family
The first impression many people have of Taiwanese actors is that their accents are a bit whiny. It is especially obvious in their idol dramas. Although Li Liqun grew up in Taiwan when he was young, his accent is not so obvious. Because Li Liqun's mother is from Beijing and his father is from Henan. Only later, for some reason, I arrived in Taiwan. Therefore, Li Liqun, under the influence of his family environment, can speak many dialects since he was young, so the influence of Taiwanese is not very great for him.
Li Liqun's talent for acting showed itself when he was a student, because at that time he would participate in many performances. At that time, Li Liqun, as the host, was also very powerful, and he could also speak crosstalk. People like Li Liqun are usually noticed when they were students, because they have many talents, so they are concerned. But after graduation, Li Liqun did not engage in performing arts. Maybe he felt that he could not earn money from this job, so he became an ordinary sailor. However, after completing military service, Li Liqun made a decision that he hoped he could enter the performing arts circle and perform more works.
Within a few years after entering the performing arts circle, Li Liqun won the Golden Bell Award for his excellent acting skills. At that time, Li Liqun was very successful. After all, it is very rare that you can achieve such great achievements just a few years after your debut. Li Liqun, who slowly received more works, also made his own reputation in Taiwan, but after all, Taiwan was still a little small, not enough for Li Liqun's development, so later he entered the mainland and began to expand his acting career. Li Liqun has performed in many TV plays in the mainland, and each play has its own voice.
It can be said that because he can speak a variety of dialects, it doesn't sound like a Taiwanese accent, so it won't bring people a sense of discord. Later, Li Liqun developed very well in the mainland, and now it has been almost 20 years. Although there are not many TV dramas starring Li Liqun, as a supporting actor, he also makes us see. Sometimes, when we see the figure of teacher Li Liqun in the TV play now, we will feel very kind instead. Because when I grew up watching his TV plays, I would have different feelings.
Now Li Liqun is 66 years old. He is still developing his acting career and insists on not retiring. But in fact, his wife and children have actually settled abroad, while Li Liqun has always stayed in China to pursue his acting dream and is active in various TV dramas and programs. Some people may think that he is so old that they might as well take a good rest and let him go, but Li Liqun feels that pursuing what he thinks is the best.


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