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two hundred and six million six hundred and sixty-two thousand and twenty-four

Nightmare Game has a popularity of more than 290 million and is expected to be adapted into a film and television version

Source: unknown Time: January 28, 2017 Click: 79 times

  Jidushan Studio was founded in 2010. Its founder, Gwemo Jimao, whose real name is Liang Jiaheng, is a well-known cartoonist in China. He has created comics such as "Late Heroes", "Floating City Painting", "Men and Women Under the Bed", "Cramp Detective", "Seven Cups", and "Nightmare Games".

The Inference Comic Nightmare Game has been serialized on Tencent's animation platform since March 2015, with a popularity of more than 296 million and the highest score in the popularity ranking of all platform comics.

   Paper media downturn turns into online media 15 person cartoon creation team

The main position of Jidushan Studio in the early stage was paper media. In 2014, when the comic "Cramp Detective" ended, it experienced a team reorganization and began to release works to the network platform.

Jimao said: "Since 2013, smart phones have been widely popularized in China, and paper magazines have begun to fall. The high production cost of reasoning cartoons and the plummeting sales of paper media forced the studio to immediately change its thinking and creative route, so I chose Tencent Animation, the serial platform of the previous work, Men and Women Under the Bed, to start a new work."

At present, there are about 15 people in the studio plus the expatriate team. Before starting writing, the team discussed the script with Tencent's editor in charge, and then entered the script - setting - separation - draft - fine grass - line drawing - painting - post production line type production process. The script, early setting, fine grass and post script are completed by chicken feathers and the main force of the studio, and the line drawing and painting are dispatched to other teams.

   Half a year to prepare serial Nightmare Game for future adaptation into film and television works

The Nightmare Game was originally a reasoning story created by Jimao more than ten years ago. Considering the market demand, the Nightmare Game stood out among many pre selected IPs at that time. It took Jimao more than half a year to make full preparations from the decision to start the serial. "In addition to constantly discussing scripts with Tencent's editor in charge, we also need to see relevant movies, comics, film and television dramas and materials. At that time, we saw a lot of books on brain medicine, psychiatry and psychology."

Jimao positions "Nightmare Game" as a work convenient for film and television adaptation, which may be adapted into a film or television play in the future. To this end, the team has considered many aspects of creation:

First, raise the age orientation of the audience. "Most of the audiences who go to the cinema to watch movies or watch online movies are older than those who buy comic magazines for teenagers. They are more concerned with adult issues such as work, family, society, money, desire, etc. Their way of expression is absolutely different from the works of teenagers." In this regard, Nightmare Game boldly sets the hero as a handsome uncle with a 7-year-old daughter, It is closer to the age of the audience, making the readers feel more empathetic;

Secondly, the story rhythm is more compact, that is, "American drama rhythm". Compared with the previous similar reasoning theme cartoon Cramp Detective, the way of taking care of the brain capacity of the readers was changed. The Nightmare Game omitted a large section of explanatory plot, leaving more space for the readers to fill their brains;

Finally, in terms of pictures, efforts should be made to create the sense of presence and picture texture of the film. Such as the scene of bees being hunted by birds in the Battle of the Queen Bee, the scene of the hero's nightmare awakening, and the scene of nightmare time. All these effectively make "Nightmare Game" easier to adapt into film and television works.

Nightmare Game

Jimao believes that, at present, the main direction of the future is to change the film and television plays and movies of Guoman, which has even become a standard configuration project for new works.

   The revenue model is mainly composed of contribution income plus payment share

Jimao revealed that at present, the studio's revenue model is mainly based on contribution income plus payment sharing. The team members are paid monthly, and the expatriate team is paid according to the number of pages.

Among them, paid reading has just been implemented recently, and there is no relevant statistical data. At present, paid reading is mainly based on contribution fees. In addition, there is also a part of the proceeds from the sales of separate copies of previous works and third-party licensing.


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