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People who voice the animated version of Transformers

Source: unknown Time: January 10, 2017 Click: 161 times


People who voice the animated version of Transformers

On July 30, 1988, the American cartoon "Transformers" premiered on Shanghai TV Station, and "Transformers fever" was set off all over the country. Now, 25 years later, "Optimus Prime" voice actor Lei Changxi, "Megatron" voice actor Yang Wenyuan, and the translation director Chariot have passed away. Those who have brought happiness to our childhood should not be forgotten.
   "Optimus Prime" Lei Changxi
In 1990, Shanghai TV introduced another robot animation, Battlestar. Shortly after finishing dubbing, Lei Changxi died of illness
The leaders of both good and evil factions, "Optimus Prime" and "Megatron", were given the voice of Lei Changxi and Yang Wenyuan respectively. Lei Changxi's voice is more orthodox, giving people a sense of dignity and firmness. "Autobots, get out of shape!" This sentence has become a classic in the hearts of a generation.
Lei Changxi was not a professional voice actor. At that time, he was a language teacher of Shanghai Theater Academy, and was quite famous in Shanghai voice circle. In 1981, Shanghai TV Station translated and distributed a foreign language film for the first time - Japan's 26 episode TV series "Posimoto". The translation director Bike and Su Xiu launched a group of new people, and Lei Changxi was one of them.
After that, Lei Changxi became a regular guest of the translation department of Shanghai TV Station. "Lei Changxi is also very popular. People will call him when they have a play, and he will come no matter how much part he plays," Lin Dongfu recalled.
In addition to Transformers, Lei Changxi also participated in the dubbing and shooting of a series of film and television dramas. In 1990, he dubbed the 54 episode American TV series Grand Hotel for the "Overseas Film and Television" program of Shanghai TV Station. In the same year, Shanghai TV Station filmed the TV series "Gods", in which he played Shen Gongbao, Jiang Ziya's arch enemy. "He works very enthusiastically, very hard, and very carefully," said his former friend.
In 1990, Shanghai TV introduced another American robot animation, Battlestar. The chariot once again served as the translation director, and the voice cast of Transformers was assembled again. Lei Changxi gave voice to "Captain Grover" in the film.
"Three of the best foreign cartoons in the late 1980s and early 1990s," Transformers "and" Battlestar ", were lucky enough to be dubbed by Shanghai's voice actors, but" Saint Fighter Star Saga "was ruined. If it were also played by Shanghai, it would be great." A cartoon fan sighed.
In 1991, shortly after completing the dubbing of "Battlestar", Lei Changxi died of illness. This year, Shanghai TV Station broadcast the American TV series "Justice in Dark", and his name was tagged with a black death symbol in the voice actor list at the end of the film.
   "Megatron" Yang Wenyuan
He thought he was not anti party, "so he wrote a letter to a consulate in Shanghai to defend himself", which caused great trouble
"I am the soul of your father, and I am determined to appear in the night and endure the fire in the daytime. If you ever loved your father, avenge his murder... Goodbye, good-bye, good-bye, remember." This is a line that the soul of the old king said to Hamlet in 1958's The Prince's Revenge. Wensheng Wenqi's voice comes from Yang Wenyuan, a famous voice actor of Shanghai Translation Factory.
Yang Wenyuan is thin, but his voice is deep and generous, and he has "rare big bass". In the 1950s, he was dubbed in more than 30 translated films, including the leading actor in films such as Sin House, Conspiracy and Love, The Last Step, and Tamango (also known as Black Samurai).
When he was dubbing "Prince's Revenge", Yang Wenyuan had just entered his thirties, when he was getting married. No one would expect that soon after he confided in the old king's grievances in the studio, he himself was involved in a huge grievance.
Since the "Anti Rightist Movement" began in 1957, Yang Wenyuan and three other actors from Shanghai Translation Studio were classified as "Rightists". "When he was young and energetic, he thought that he had no anti party heart, so he wrote a letter to a consulate in Shanghai to defend himself. This could have caused a great disaster," Su Xiu recalled.
Yang Wenyuan was identified as an active counter revolutionary who turned traitor to the enemy. After being arrested, he was sent to Qinghai Reform through Labor Farm for reeducation through labor, where he spent 20 years. His career of dubbing came to an abrupt end, and his girlfriend left him. Since then, his life has been interrupted.
It was not until 1979 that Yang Wenyuan was able to see the light of day again when the "rightists" were fully involved in the rectification of unjust, false and wrong cases. That year, at a creative staff meeting of the Shanghai Translation Factory, the factory director Chen Xuyi said, "I am not particularly sentimental towards the Rightists.
The best 20 years of life have gone to nothing, leaving only grievances and suffering. Yang Wenyuan never expressed his pain in his voice
In 1980, Yang Wenyuan returned to the Shanghai Translation Factory, when he was over 50 years old. The next year, he gave voice to Heinze's grandfather in the German film "The Handsome Boy", which was still wonderful.
Yang Wenyuan dubbed cartoons, which began in 1959 when Wan Guchan directed "Fisherman". He dubbed greedy county officials and sang a duet with Father Yang, who was dubbed by Qiu Yuefeng. In the 1980s, he successively dubbed many cartoons of the American Film Studio. In 1981, Zhu Bajie in Ginseng Fruit and in 1984, the elephant in Black Cat Sheriff ate laterite.
After returning to the factory, Yang Wenyuan was alone, his parents were no longer alive, and he had no brothers or sisters around him. He was introduced to form his own family. Colleagues helped him prepare for his wedding. The wedding hall was located in the actor lounge of the Shanghai Translation Factory: the writing desk was assembled into a table, covered with white cloth, and flowers and candy were placed on it.
After marriage and birth, Yang Wenyuan was not able to enjoy his old age because of his poor living conditions and poor health. Before retirement, he also dubbed more than 50 translated films, including the captain of the bearded squadron in Tiger Mouth Escape and several supporting actors in Garrison Expendables. Tong Zirong, a famous voice actor, praised him highly and thought that he was a treasure found by the old factory director. "The voice condition is very special and not very well known".
In 1982, he dubbed the abbot in the film Shaolin Temple. Yang Wenyuan said slowly with his unique deep bass: "Be merciful and compassionate to the heart, and let all living beings live in action. If nothing is done to the heart, and nothing is done to the heart, it will be empty and spiritual, empty and wonderful."
Rough life, lonely and end. The best 20 years of life have gone to nothing, leaving only grievances and suffering. Yang Wenyuan never expressed this pain in his voice until his death in 2001.
In 1988, the chariot invited Yang Wenyuan, who was over 60 years old, to voice Megatron, the villain leader in Transformers.
After returning home that day, Yang Wenyuan said to his wife, "They let me play the leading role.". The wife said that it was very good. Then he sat down at the table and began to read the script.
   "Sound Wave" Lin Dongfu
"I'll sing when I say so. This kind of singing doesn't have a tune. Anyway, it's just singing the words... I think I'm silly."
"This film is different from other films. (Other films) I will spend more time to watch it, so I will have a general understanding of the film, but I didn't watch the whole film, just saw the part I participated in. To be honest, I didn't work hard." Lin Dongfu said about the situation when he was dubbing for "Transformers".
In his opinion, it was just a very ordinary voice assignment, and did not leave much impression in his memory. He can't even remember which characters he used to dub in Transformers, except the "sound wave" that "speaks very special".
The "sound wave" in the original film has a strange voice, which is the voice of a robot rather than a normal person. At first, the chariot considered dubbing with a female voice, and asked his wife Gu Gou to try. She found that the effect was not ideal, so she thought of Lin Dongfu.
At that time, Lin Dongfu was a voice actor in the "Overseas Film and Television" program of Shanghai TV Station. He had just finished the voice of Darth Vader, the black warrior in Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back. In the original film, the voice of the Black Samurai is post processed by professional equipment. Due to limited conditions, in order to achieve similar effects, Lin Dongfu covered his mouth with his hands and read his lines when dubbing.
After listening to the tone of "sound wave", Lin Dongfu felt that it was difficult to completely simulate the four tones of Chinese, so he thought of expressing the sound characteristics of "sound wave" by singing.
"I said I would sing. This kind of singing doesn't have a tune. Anyway, I just sing the words out. I don't know what tune to sing. Later, they talked and sang a bit of aria." Lin Dongfu said, "But this is silly. I think I'm silly."
"What I got from them still has a sense of sublimity in my heart until now... I'm afraid of losing this kind of thing"
From 1984 when he participated in the dubbing of "Overseas Film and Television" of Shanghai TV Station to the mid-1990s when he faded out of the dubbing circle, Lin Dongfu has dubbed more than 500 translated films, including the black samurai in Empire Strikes Back, the archbishop in Eagle Wolf Legend, and the mafia godfather in Original Sin. Today, few people still remember the voices of these characters, but the "singing voice" in Transformers has been mentioned again and again.
"I really don't know what I was involved in. People like it so much, and many people still like it. I don't want to pretend to be, how hard I worked when I was matching, how we did at that time. It's a lie to say such things," said Lin Dongfu.
In addition to "sound wave", Lin Dongfu has also voiced seven or eight characters, including "iron sheet", "steel lock" and "boom". But he is not proud of it. He thinks that his dubbing in Transformers is weak and has little artistic value, and he is not interested in cartoons. "What people did at that time, people who did something for it, they never expected that one day this play would be so popular."
In 1994, Lin Dongfu hosted the variety show "Intelligence Surfing" on Shanghai TV Station, and since then, he has become a program host. Many audiences have known him since then.
Two years later, he quit the dubbing circle and stopped watching the translated films on TV and Chinese dubbing films. Because he felt that "the taste was wrong", dubbing should not be "reading words from the book with headphones to go to the market to count".
"Qiu Yuefeng, Mr. Su Xiu, Mr. Bick, these people are in my mind. What I got from them, until now, still has a certain sense of sublimity in my heart. Why didn't I look, listen, and stay away from this later?... I'm afraid of losing this kind of thing." Lin Dongfu said.
In 1992, Lin Dongfu, who had not yet left the voice circle, hung a picture of the late voice master Qiu Yuefeng in his room.


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