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Quadratic voice dubbing optimization | Japanese aid response introductory lecture

Source: unknown Time: 2016-12-18 Click: 99 times

The recent performance in Beijing was Fulido, LOVELIVE in November! The Beijing meeting of Pile 2016 has just ended. In December, we will welcome the future 2016 China concert of First Tone! When many people watch ACG live music for the first time, they must be full of curiosity and various questions, such as how to participate in and integrate into the "Japanese aid" that looks neat and impressive? Is it OK to simply wave a fluorescent stick? How to call?
Let's learn about "Japanese aid" today:
[Japanese Aid Response Lecture] Overview of Aid Response [H.Mos]
(This chapter is applicable to introductory teaching)


 Dubber Liu Mingzhu


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