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The dubbing list of Sailing King's Golden City has been announced!

Source: unknown Time: November 21, 2016 Click: 126 times


  The dubbing list of Sailing King's Golden City has been announced!
Have you gone to see the hot "Sailing King's Golden City"? There are jars in it, little comrade dubbing Oh, today let's take a look at the specific voice dubbing staff behind the scenes!
Dubbing list
Lu Fei -- Yang Tianxiang
Zorro -- Zhao Yi
Nami -- Qiao Shiyu
Lying Cloth -- Hao Xianghai
Shan Zhi -- Teng Xin
Qioba -- Shanxin
Desoro -- Zhang Zhen
Karina Li Xiaomeng
Bakala -- Zhang Biyu
Daisy -- Zhang Wentian
Mr. Tanaka -- Lu Hengyu
Marcus -- Zhang Yaohan
Sapo Huang Zhenji
Lika -- Cao Xupeng
Tianbao -- Tong Xinzhu
Sakaski -- Li Cho
Kerla -- Zhang You Dance
Luzi -- Ling Yun
Spardam -- Chen Zhe
Other voice actors: Li Lu, Lin Qiang, Xue Cheng, Wang Chenguang, Li Meijie, Jia Bao, Xiao Dandan



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