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Dubbing manuscript for on-the-spot publicity of Liangzhong Expressway construction

Source: unknown Time: November 18, 2016 Click: 132 times


——Record of Liangzhong Expressway Construction
1、 Project Introduction
Liangping Zhongxian Expressway is the north section of the "two connected lines" in the "three ring roads, ten radiation lines and three connected lines" in Chongqing Expressway Network Planning (2003-2020). The project starts at Bishan Town, Liangping County, connects Nanchong, Dazhu and Chongqing Liangping Expressway, and ends at Bashan Town, Zhongxian County, connecting Dianli Section of Shanghai Chongqing Expressway, with a total length of 71.58km.
Liangzhong Expressway is designed as a four lane expressway with a design speed of 80Km/h and an integral subgrade width of 24.5m; There are 8 interchanges, 1 service area and 1 open parking area along the line; 33 bridges with a total length of 7811m; 4 tunnels with a total length of 9288m; The control project is Lirang Tunnel, 5520.7m long. The approved budget of the project is 6.357 billion yuan, the contract duration is 3.5 years, and the construction started on July 18, 2013. On the spot propaganda of Liangzhong Expressway construction dubbing Draft.
2、 Overall situation of project management
Since the commencement, all parties involved in the construction have overcome various difficulties, the project performance is good, and the project progress, quality, safety and civilized construction are under full control.
In terms of progress, effective node objectives shall be formulated, the assessment, reward and punishment system shall be improved, and node construction period shall be strictly controlled. All participating units have clear responsibilities, are proactive, and have exceeded the output value for three consecutive years. In 2015, the annual investment was 1.723 billion yuan, with a completion rate of 105.1%, and the overall quality spot check qualification rate reached 96.4%. The investment plan for 2016 is 1.825 billion yuan. By the end of October, 1.825 billion yuan has been invested, accounting for 100% of the annual plan; The total investment of the project is 6.356 billion yuan, accounting for 100% of the total estimated investment of the project.
Since the commencement of the project, there has been no quality accident, and the goal of "zero" quality accident has been achieved. No safety production accident occurred, the goal of "zero" safety production accident was achieved, no environmental pollution event occurred, and the predetermined goal was achieved.
Up to now, the subgrade, bridge, tunnel, pavement, housing construction and electromechanical engineering of the whole line have been completed, and the remaining work is generally progressing as planned. The project completion files have passed the preliminary acceptance. At present, we are working hard to prepare for the special acceptance of housing construction, traffic safety, tunnel fire protection, electromechanical joint commissioning and test, greening and replanting, and the treatment of remaining defects.
3、 Effective quality and safety management:
With the policy of "safety first, quality first" and the ultimate goal of "zero accidents, zero casualties", the company strives to build a standardized construction site. Firmly establish the safety red line awareness, strictly abide by the nine provisions on tunnel construction safety, implement the new Work Safety Law, establish and improve the quality and safety self-control system, focus on the source, process and details, equip full-time safety officers, implement the leadership shift system, and supervise key parts and concealed works 24 hours a day.
The participating units of the project have made concerted efforts to comprehensively promote "information monitoring" and introduce high technology to ensure safe construction, especially in view of the characteristics of high safety risks of the control project comity tunnel. The longest tunnel under construction in Chongqing has achieved "zero accident, zero casualty" in safety and quality from the commencement to the completion of 1070 days. It has also been listed as a standardized learning base by the Quality Supervision Bureau of Chongqing Communications Commission. The Lirang Tunnel has won the "2014 Highway Standardization Construction" highlight project award and the "Science and Technology Demonstration Award". The dubbing draft of the on-the-spot propaganda of Liangzhong Expressway construction.
There are 33 bridges on Liangzhong Expressway, with a total length of 7811 meters. Liangzhong Expressway is located in the mountainous area from the hilly area in the northeast of Chongqing to the parallel ridge valley area in the east. Part of the bridge substructure construction is on the cliff. The highest pier of the bridge is more than 70 meters, which is extremely difficult to construct. The risk coefficient of on-site construction organization is high. Before the bridge erection, the company organized relevant management personnel of each division to carry out publicity, implementation and training on the key points of beam and slab erection control. While refining the key points of safety control in each process, the company also carried out on-site safety technical disclosure. The construction processes from beam transportation in the beam yard to the installation of temporary supports, from beam lifting to beam falling are interlocked, It ensures that the safety and quality during bridge erection can meet the requirements of design specifications at one time.
In 2015, the quality supervision bureau of Chongqing Transportation Commission carried out two inspections on Liangzhong Project, and the one-time spot check qualification rates of the project entity quality were 95.2% and 97.6% respectively. In the first half of 2016, the company won the second place in the comprehensive evaluation of the city's expressway construction project management, project quality and construction safety organized by Chongqing Traffic Committee, and achieved "continuous improvement and steady improvement" of quality management.
3、 Project construction highlights
(1) Pavement surface aggregate is changed to basalt
In order to improve the skid resistance, wear resistance, driving safety and service life of the pavement works of Liangzhong Expressway Project, the coarse aggregate used in the pavement wearing course of Liangzhong Expressway is changed from granite commonly used in Chongqing to basalt. Although this change has increased the cost, it has provided reliable guarantee for the pavement quality and driving safety of Liangzhong Expressway from the source.
(2) Protect environment and build ecological expressway
In the construction of Liangzhong Expressway, in accordance with the principle of "environmental protection first", efforts have been made to build an ecological expressway, realize localized implantation and environmental protection construction, and form a sustainable ecological project that can be integrated; The borrow and spoil ground along the whole line was used by Liang Zhong's builders to transform ravines into fields, with a total of 642.33 mu of farmland, creating an ecological highway that is adaptable to local conditions and environmentally friendly.
4、 Scientific research projects are fruitful
Since the commencement of Liangzhong Expressway, it has insisted on both project construction and scientific and technological innovation, made full use of the resources of the company's technical center, external scientific research units and experts, and made extensive cooperation in combination with the actual construction and production to plan in advance and solidly promote all work.
Up to now, the Liangzhong high-speed scientific research project has accumulatively completed 18 related documents, applied for 11 patents, and officially authorized 1 utility model patent.
The year 2016 is the decisive year for project construction. Under the overall arrangement and care guidance of relevant municipal departments and shareholders, the company will continue to strengthen the management of project safety, quality and progress, actively coordinate the relevant units of operation charges, ensure that the Liangzhong Project is completed and opened to traffic on schedule, and achieve a perfect turn from construction to operation. Dubbing manuscript of on-the-spot publicity of Liangzhong Expressway construction:


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