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Announcers should learn to hide the sense of dubbing marks

Source: unknown Time: November 13, 2016 Click: 88 times


The announcer should learn to hide dubbing Markedness

   With your own marks, and with all your breath in your notes, you should make some marks on the script when you really do language performance, whether it is reading or acting novels or recording radio dramas.
Whether it is based on the actor's performance or his own grasp and imagination of the role, such as some radio dramas or novels without pictures, how can you rely on your own imagination to say the role's lines, and what kind of language rhythm and state he is.
At this time, it is not a time for you to play freely. You need to do some design and marking. When we finish these marks and formally perform in front of the microphone, we should pay attention to one thing - we should not rely entirely on this mark, nor copy it rigidly.
This kind of language, which is rigidly made of rhythm, lacks authenticity, coherence and fluency, and even weakens the performance in the language. On the contrary, it is a kind of stereotyped sense of rhythm that we need to avoid.
So, this mark exists for us, but it needs to be hidden when performing. How can we do this?


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