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Attention should be paid to the masking effect of voice in advertising dubbing

Author: This article was transferred from the Internet Time: August 7, 2016 Click: 148 times


 Advertising dubbing

   Advertising dubbing Pay attention to the masking effect of sound. One of the phenomena reducing sound perception is masking effect. The masking effect is caused by frequency or time. The masking effect is particularly useful when editing synchronous vocal cords, which can solve the discontinuity between background and ambient sound during lens switching. Laying another louder ambient sound in the same frequency range as that of the same period in the whole scene will eliminate all discontinuities caused by switching. For the intermediate frequency, the signal must be at least 2.5 times louder than the background noise (the signal-to-noise ratio is greater than 1:: 25 or 4 db higher), so the masking effect will work.
   Advertising dubbing should pay attention to the masking effect of sound. In time-domain masking, the loud sound will mask the next lighter sound. Time domain masking occurs because the sensitivity of the auditory system is reduced due to the original loud sound. This masking term is called positive masking. But because the brain responds more quickly to loud sounds than to light sounds, the loud sounds from behind can also affect the light sounds in front, which is called reverse masking. These physiological phenomena can help sound editors cover up unwanted discontinuities, but they must also pay attention to avoid accidental loss of useful auditory information.
   Advertising dubbing should pay attention to the masking effect of sound. When two sounds come from the same direction, the masking effect is stronger. You can pay attention to this during premixing, so that the sound will be distributed to the same sound track at the time of final mixing when it is on a separate sound track or not. In the latter case, remember to mark the track to which the sound will be assigned in the future. Otherwise, greater adjustments will be required to eliminate the masking effect.
   Advertising dubbing should pay attention to the masking effect of sound. The phase change between two sound signals (when the sound waves of two sounds do not reach the microphone at the same time in the sound cycle, which results in partial cancellation and enhancement of sound energy) will make the difference of sound sources more obvious. Therefore, if the masking effect is needed, the phase should be adjusted to be consistent. Otherwise, two similar sounds that sound at the same time should be deliberately separated by phase adjustment. It is usually more obvious when two ears listen to different sounds with headphones, so this technique is more useful for computer multimedia applications than for movie sounds.


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