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The Concept of Voice Pattern in Advertising Dubbing

Author: This article was transferred from Internet time: August 3, 2016 Click: 124 times

Another technical term for this parameter is the sound envelope, which consists of the sound head (generation, development), body (steady state, duration), and tail (attenuation, end). The gradient of tone measurement covers the range from impulse sound to long reverberation. The explosive gunfire in an open place without echo is considered to be impulsive, with rapid start, peak value and rapid attenuation. On the contrary, the other extreme is the reverberating wind whizzing through the tunnel, which gradually produces and decays. The audience's response to one extreme is the reverberating wind whizzing through the tunnel, which gradually produces and decays. Audience's perception of the sound pattern depends not only on the waveform generated by the sound source, but also on the size of the surrounding space and reverberation properties. Note that echo is different from reverberation. The former is the repetition or partial repetition of sound, while the latter has no distinguishable repetition.
Because every natural sound has a beginning, or sound head, it is impossible to have an accurate pure tone or sine wave in a conventional environment. For example, tapping a tuning fork will produce slight imperfections, which is usually called transient distortion. This transient distortion makes our ears feel that this is a different tuning fork of an electronic oscillator.


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