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The Importance and Methods of Voice and Qi Training for Advertising Dubbing Announcers

Author: This article was transferred from Internet time: 2016-07-16 Click: 124 times


   Hi! dubbing My dear friends, have you been practicing vocal music this week? If you haven't practiced, take the small bench to the corner to reflect!
In the last issue of "Jiujiu Accompanies You to Practice Sound", Jiujiu mainly talked about breath exercises and some methods of practicing double lip sounds. How are you practicing your breath? Many nine babies said that when they dub or recite, they always feel angry. In fact, Jiujiu believes that there is no shortage of qi, only those that cannot be used. For example, do we seldom feel angry when we talk? Then why does it always feel inadequate when broadcasting? It's because they are not comfortable enough. (Gif) We don't practice vital capacity when we practice qi. It's about practicing the ability to control the breath. Only by turning the control of breath into a habit, can we achieve the goal of "exciting and leisurely, without feeling the breath coming."
In the last issue, we also talked about the practice of double lip sounds. Do you remember those tongue twisters? Read down those lip twisters at one go. I feel like I'm going to become a sausage mouth.
It can be seen that double lip sound is the most powerful way to practice lips. Hahaha, I can bite with my lips when I eat ice cream in the future, and I'm not afraid of ice teeth any more!
Lip and tongue strength is an important factor affecting our pronunciation. Today, on the basis of the previous issue, let's practice the strength of the tongue.
Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock -- tick tock -- little friend, Junior 99 has started practicing sound!
Practice Qi before practicing sound. See the previous issue for details.
Tongue tip baritone (d, t, n, l)
Pronunciation position: The pronunciation position of the tip of the tongue mediant is the tip of the tongue and the upper gum.
Pronunciation method: put the tip of the tongue against the upper gum, and make a sound after the airflow is blocked in this part.
When practicing, pay attention to the correct position and the tip of the tongue. The strength of the tip of the tongue does not mean that the tip of the tongue should be forced against the upper gum, but that we should gather the tip of the tongue into a point, concentrate our strength, and bounce freely.
Take the lead of lighthouse instead of carpet
Stealing with open attitude
Team - demobilized and transferred - jumping
River - Hetao Belly - Rabbit
Nylon brain energy warm current
Mud Liaoning as a souvenir for the elderly
Female passenger - passenger man - basket
Difficult - stop the memory - nostalgia
Do some nine babies find it difficult to distinguish n and l? In fact, there are some differences between the two pronunciations. N is the exhalation from the nostrils, which is the so-called nasal sound; L is the breath from both sides of the tongue, which is the legendary side voice. As long as you pay attention to these two points when pronouncing, these two sounds are easy to distinguish.
Hiahiahiahia, let's practice tongue twisters with Jiujiu!
Fight against thieves (d, t)
Transferred to the enemy island to fight against special thieves,
Special thieves throw short knives in their mouths.
Blocking the push and hitting the short knife,
If you step on the thief, you will be knocked down.
Baishi Tower (b, d, t)
White stone tower, white stone.
The white tower is built with white stones.
The white stone tower is white and big.
Reverse song (d, t, l)
The sun sets from west to east,
Listen to me sing a song upside down.
There was no thunder in the sky,
The stones rolled up the slope.
Camels lay eggs in the river,
Carps form a nest on the mountain.
The hot and sweaty month of December,
June is cold and shivering.
My sister combs her hair in the room,
The donkey was carried in a pocket outside the door.
The worst is coming!
Male passenger female passenger (n, l)
Male passengers wear blue jackets,
The female passengers wore woolen overcoats,
The male passenger holds the old woman carrying the basket,
The female passenger held the little boy with the cage.
(Can you read? So easy!)
Lao Long and Lao Nong (n, l)
Lao Long was angry and made trouble with the farmer,
The old farmer was angry and made trouble with the old dragon.
The dragon is angry with the farmer,
The dragon is angry with the farmer, and the dragon is afraid of the farmer.
Niulang and Liu Niang. (n、l)
Cowherd loves Liu Niang,
Liu Niangnian Niulang.
The cowherd loves Liu Niang year after year,
Liu Niang repeated the words "Cowherd".
Lang's mistress came to read Lang,
Nian Lang Nian Nian Lang Nian.
Good nine babies, let's practice here today. Ninety nine feels that his tongue is in a mess.
Practicing sound is a gradual process, so nine babies must adhere to it.
Brothers, come and practice your voice
In addition, voice language is the art of heart to heart teaching, so the nine babies must also communicate more.
Finally, 99 wants to ask a question. Who is Liu Niang? Is it the Weaver Girl? The cowherd will not cheat! Oh, my god! What about the good love! Fairy tales are full of lies!


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