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The Integration of Broadcast Dubbing and New Media in Advertising Dubbing

Author: This article was transferred from the Internet Time: 2016-04-07 Click: 160 times


 New media of advertising dubbing and broadcasting

  With the penetration and diffusion of the Internet in various fields, traditional TV, radio, newspapers and other traditional media have been greatly impacted. Although the traditional media is facing a certain crisis, the Internet, an emerging media, has given new meaning and operation concept to broadcasting with its powerful data processing, analysis, storage, transmission and other functions, as well as the accompanying new communication methods. This article is written by Shengguang Advertising dubbing Arrange and provide for you.
First of all, traditional media can instantly obtain the massive information contained in the Internet. Secondly, the convenient communication function of the Internet provides another important way for news interviews. It is a supplement to the traditional face-to-face interview, which can be communicated by email, online chat tools or online chat rooms. Thirdly, the interactivity of the Internet also provides a new way for the traditional broadcast implementation interaction. For example, in Japan and South Korea, there have been highly involved radio and network programs. Through the website set by the program, listeners and netizens can participate in a competition or a game. According to the feedback from the audience and netizens, various changes appear on the website at any time, and these changes encourage the audience to further participate in the program to achieve a high degree of participation in the program. There is no doubt that this is the development direction of interactive radio programs. (Advertising dubbing)
The combination of broadcast and network includes two aspects: broadcast networking and network broadcast. Broadcast networking is the traditional broadcast media that plays VOD or provides online broadcast services through the network platform. The audio broadcasting run by most existing broadcasting media is basically in this state, which can be considered as the network version of traditional broadcasting. Network broadcasting refers to the production of traditional radio programs to achieve independent transmission through the network. Compared with the former, the network elements covered by this form of communication are richer. There are usually two forms of internet broadcasting: internet radio and blog. In comparison, Internet radio is more like a broadcasting organization, supported by a stable team and organization; Podcasting is a new form of online broadcasting that has become popular in recent years. It tends to be private, and it is not a network platform itself. It needs the support of websites.
The integration of broadcasting and network has transcended the obstacles of time and space, and greatly expanded the scope of broadcasting. The network makes multimedia transmission a reality. In addition, the broadcast content in the network is easy to store, avoiding the fleeting rigidity of previous broadcasts. At the same time, it also greatly enhances the initiative of the audience. In addition to actively selecting their favorite programs, the audience can also participate in the production of programs. Traditional broadcasting does not have many of the above advantages. It is worth thinking about how to develop and operate traditional broadcasting in the network media environment. This article is organized and provided for you by voice over of Shengguang Advertising:


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