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The development of film and advertising dubbing is closely linked

Author: This article was transferred from the Internet Time: 2016-04-03 Click: 68 times


 Film and dubbing

   In his book Music of Light, Abel Gunz of France proposed that in our modern society, discourse no longer contains its truth. Cheap, moral concepts, accidental events and physiological defects deprive the real meaning of vocal words... Therefore, we need to be silent for a long time to forget the old and decaying words, look for new languages, and re shine with the great current of modern power and knowledge. The film came into being at the historic moment... (This article is dubbed by Shengguang Advertising dubbing For you)
Italy's Kanudu said in his "Image Factory" that the film has enriched the meaning of humanity through the means of image expression (only painting and sculpture have retained this meaning to this day), and he will constitute an unquestionable, truly broad language. For this reason, he must lead all the "image embodiment" (i.e. art) of life to the source of all passions, and find the life itself in the life prototype through movement... The fresh, young and constantly exploring film art is looking for its own vocabulary. Moreover, it enables us and all the complex psychology we have acquired to adapt to the true great language. This is a real, extremely important visual image language that excludes sound analysis. Voice broadcast advertisement dubbing online dubbing expert
The above conclusion was made in the era of silent films. The film had its voice after 1927. In 1948, the French filmmaker Alexander Astluk wrote on the French Screen: "The language I speak is such a form that an artist can express his thoughts by virtue of any abstract thing, just as modern essays or novels can express his central thoughts. Therefore, I would like to call this new film era the era when cameras are equal to fountain pens. This metaphor has a precise meaning. Therefore, what I want to say is that the film has gradually got rid of the visual restrictions, the collective requirements expressed by plots, and it is exactly the same as the writing language, becoming a flexible and delicate writing means. " This passage vividly describes that the film has entered the stage of vividly and freely describing life with its own unique audio-visual language. This article is from Voice over of sound broadcasting advertisement:


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