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Promotion effect of promotion on middlemen, distributors and sales personnel

Author: This article was transferred from Internet time: 2016-04-29 Click: 167 times


 Voice over for promotion planning

   Although the essence of marketing concerns is the recognition, creation and maintenance of mutually satisfying exchange relations, for dealers and retailers, it is directly reflected in obtaining gross profit through trade to support survival and development. For the purpose of classification and description, this book uses "middlemen" to specifically refer to various dealers and retailers. Guide the behavior of middlemen through the adjustment of promotion strategies. In actual marketing activities, manufacturers often provide incentives to middlemen through promotional activities, such as special discounts, gifts, sales incentives and complimentary products. When such benefits are stimulated by the enthusiastic cooperation and response of the middlemen, it will directly affect the speed of the same competitive products they sell to the end consumers, and ultimately affect the sales of competitive products. It is precisely for this reason that our country's practical marketers praise the manufacturers' transactions and promotion activities for intermediaries, and call the prominent role of sales channels as "channels are king". Promotional dubbing.
Promotion activities can enhance the good interaction between manufacturers and intermediaries, and help manufacturers maintain customer relations. When manufacturers seek long-term cooperation with intermediaries, they will not only think about providing incentives based on financial interests, but also need to think about providing comprehensive interest incentives based on psychological interests, such as providing management training and help, and adopting promotion methods of members or clubs. These methods will be conducive to achieving long-term cooperation between both parties. Promotional dubbing.
Manufacturers often give sales incentives to internal sales personnel, because such incentives can stimulate the morale and sense of achievement of sales personnel, improve their enthusiasm for selling products, and provide greater development space for sales personnel. The main way is to use sales competition, that is, to guide the sales staff to focus on improving their performance indicators, which can also be said to be a supplement to the sales staff's performance management and compensation system. This kind of promotion activity linked with sales target is widely used by many companies. According to a survey conducted by a European company, about 3/4 of the companies use this competition method to motivate sales personnel and tap sales potential. Promotional dubbing.
The above role of promotion once again reveals the essence of promotion, that is, the promotion subject realizes the management of promotion objects through the adjustment of short-term promotion strategies for products or services. That is to say, manufacturers can provide consumers, middlemen and internal sales personnel with different additional benefits, thus forming various substantive positive impacts on them. Promotional dubbing.


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