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Ten years of hard work in dubbing, advertising dubber Yao Di

Author: This article was transferred from Internet time: September 1, 2016 Click: 197 times



   "I think dubbing It's a very simple thing. First, you should have a good voice, which is 99% talent. Then you should pay 1% of your efforts to be 100% yourself. Voice dubbers should work hard to find the characteristics of their own voice and carry it forward. At the same time, they should also find the shortcomings of their own voice and try to make up for them. "
——Yao Di
Yao Di graduated from Beijing Broadcasting University (now Communication University of China) in 2003.
In his sophomore year (2004), he entered the dubbing shop under the introduction of a senior sister. Since then, he has traveled to various recording studios and started dubbing advertisements and topics.
Life tutor Li Yi
In his junior year, Yao Di met his life coach Li Yi. Yao Di said, "I especially want to be a person like Mr. Li, who is honest and worthy of heart. In the days when I got along with Mr. Li Yi, what may have helped me most is not to improve my profession, but to learn the principles and wisdom of life."
Yao Di regards teacher Li Yi as the benchmark of his life. In his heart, teacher Li Yi's specialty is impeccable and irreplaceable in terms of voice, emotion, rhythm and details.
"I used to like a thick voice, and I also liked to imitate Mr. Li. Then I asked the teacher to give me a comment. What the teacher said to me impressed me very much. The teacher said that the voice should have its own characteristics, find the direction of its own expertise, and then jump out of the circle of imitation and go out of its own way." Yao Di said.
Use "politeness" as a spur
Behind the emergence of every outstanding new voice, there are admirable efforts and efforts; Each bright and beautiful appearance has countless sweat and persistence.
Yao Di said: "Now the technical means of sound processing are more advanced than before. Some voice defects of the dubbing staff can be modified by technology. I remember in 2004, when I first entered the dubbing business, I met many older recording engineers who would carefully adjust the microphone for the dubber, even correct the sitting posture of the dubber, and would especially severely point out where the dubber did not record well. "
"Now, many young sound recorders will politely request to record again when encountering this problem, which will not be very strict. But the voice dubbers should take this" politeness "as a spur to make up for their shortcomings as much as possible. I miss the time when the sound engineers spoke harshly about me, because they have been exposed to sound for a long time and are more sensitive to sound. Their opinions are very helpful to the voice dubbers. "
"If three people walk, there must be my teacher"!
Voice dubbing experience of "Yao Baiwu"
When Yao Di first started recording, he got the nickname "Yao 105", because he recorded an advertisement for 150 yuan at that time. With more and more experience and deeper understanding of dubbing, Yao Di began to realize some problems in dubbing.
He said: "In the one or two years after my graduation, I began to feel that the sound of pursuing maturity and massiveness was not suitable for me, nor was it consistent with my personality. So I began to change my style, find a voice suitable for the current age group, enjoy my current voice, and leave the rest to time to experience."
Youth is the best time for sound conditions, because it can create unlimited possibilities, but the corresponding problem is the lack of experience. With age, the sound condition will decline, but the skills will improve and the experience will be rich. So the state of sound and the way of processing sound will change in each time period, which is the characteristic of sound in different stages.
"So young dubbers don't need to deliberately pursue voices that are not in line with their age, but to find the balance of voice and try to extend their professional life," Yao said.
After more than ten years' experience in dubbing, he still keeps his original intention, maintains his personality and sticks to his true nature. He is dubbing Member Yao Di.


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