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The woman who falls in love with the voice, advertising dubber Zha Qian

Author: This article was transferred from Internet time: August 30, 2016 Click: 179 times


   Women who fall in love with voices, advertisements dubbing Member Zha Qian. She is the perceiver of life, the supporter of life, the magic of voice, and the voice dubber Zha Qian. Maybe the ups and downs of life are deliberately made by God. Only when you have full experience of life, love and fear, prosperity and quietness, can you have a different experience of the world. Zha Qian is such a person who understands life with heart.
Teacher's touch
In high school, Zha Qian participated in the school's speech contest. Unexpectedly, he won awards in the whole school, and achieved excellent results in the whole district and the whole city, which revealed his talent for sound. Zha Qian's Chinese teacher suggested that she should take an examination of Beijing Radio Academy, but she didn't know what the "Academy" was at that time? The teacher told her, "It's the place where broadcasters grow up."
Zha Qian said: "My Chinese teacher had a great influence on me. One thing that impressed me most was that he demonstrated to me in a particularly hoarse voice when he was tutoring me to make a speech. After listening to it, my tears suddenly fell down. Because the teacher's voice condition is not good and his voice is hoarse, but his voice has moved me. This is the first time that I feel the power of personality conveyed by voice, which is very powerful and shocking. "
The beauty of sound is not the beauty of timbre, but the power to touch people's hearts.
Efforts to Realize Dreams
With the encouragement of his teacher, Zha Qian decided to apply for the Beijing Broadcasting University (now Communication University of China). But this idea of hers was not appreciated by her family and friends around her. Because Zha Qian's family is in Wuhan and her Mandarin is weak, everyone advised her to choose carefully. But Zha Qian has identified the way of voice, and she decided to change herself in order to achieve her goal.
"I remember very clearly that from the first day of the third year of senior high school, I changed to Mandarin with everyone around me, and also lost baby fat, and finally got admitted to Beijing Broadcasting Institute as I wished," said Zha Qian.
After four years of college, Zha Qian got excellent grades and was recommended to graduate school by the university. In her first year as a graduate student, Zha Qian's tutor recommended her to practice at Shanghai TV Station for one year. The days of doing live news there made Zha Qian fruitful.
After graduation, Zha Qian stayed at the college to teach at the invitation of the college until now.
Professional attitude
The microphone and voice are magic to Zha Qian. She likes to tell stories and express her heart with her voice. Zha Qian said, "Since I went to college, I have watched many domestic documentaries. In recent years, I have also been particularly fond of commenting on such films. I think documentaries can reflect the magic charm of nature and the real state of human existence. The various states of the world have a special attraction for me."
After the microphone, silently observe all the contents displayed in the documentary, tell them in a beautiful voice, and slowly experience the wonders of the world. This is Zha Qian's state when commenting on the documentary, which is more touching in the plain.
Before commenting, Zha Qian used to prepare the draft in advance, so as to understand the overall context of the documentary through this process and grasp it as a whole. "In fact, it is not impossible to complete it directly without preparing a draft. It is just that the interpretation is relatively fragmented, and it needs to be combined with the simultaneous sound and even music. Every time I come to record, I will listen to the music roughly and experience the feeling."
"Narration is like dancing with shackles. It is performed in a very small space and requires precise control of language. This is a challenge and its charm lies in it," said Zha Qian. The woman who falls in love with the voice, advertising dubber Zha Qian.
Perception of interpretation
Zha Qian felt that with the growth of age, a person's life experience will deepen, the dimensions of life will also expand, and the perception of life will continue to enrich. These factors will affect their own, making their ability to control the voice more refined. She said: "I have explained documentaries about animals and nature. They seem to be about animals, but they actually reflect the story of people. The essence of the meaning shown in them has become clear to me. I enjoy watching from the interesting perspective of onlookers, as well as the comfort and emotion of telling stories to others as onlookers."
With continuous experience, Zha Qian's voice becomes more comfortable and his skills become more natural and traceless. He skillfully integrates emotion and skills, and then deduces them with his voice. As time goes by, we will continue to grow. "I have been commenting on CCTV's record channel for two years. Every time I come to record, I am very happy, just like a date, and I enjoy this state. I also like to use life oriented language to present the content I want to express, but this is different from the ordinary people's home language." Zha Qian said.
The so-called "art comes from life and is higher than life" is probably like this.
In the future, Zha Qian hopes to have more attempts. Whether on stage or on TV, he hopes to launch more things that can be called "works" and let works speak for him.
She is Zha Qian. She is a voice dubber who understands life with heart.
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