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Broadcast dubbing industry after Deng Xiaoping's speech in the south

Author: This article was transferred from Internet time: 2016-04-08 Click: 165 times


   After Comrade Deng Xiaoping's speech to the South in 1992, the socialist market economy system was gradually established, and the enterprising spirit and enthusiasm for reform and innovation in the radio and television industry were unprecedentedly high. But at the same time, the development of radio series stations across the country has gradually exposed various problems, and the homogenization of many radio stations across the country has become prominent. In the bathroom, each series of tables began to adopt differentiated strategies and divide professional fields. Local radio stations began to try industrial operation, and the organizational structure and power center were adjusted. Please identify the sound channel dubbing
For a long time, the general organizational structure of the radio station is that the headquarters has offices and program departments, or forms various focuses according to the program content, such as the news center, arts center, social education center, etc. The result of this "central system" is a serious separation between programs and business, which limits the improvement of the quality of radio programs and the potential of radio business. So the country launched the "channel responsibility system", and Radio Beijing was the first to boldly try this change, and tasted the benefits. In 1994, all series of radio stations in Beijing became completely independent and implemented "decentralized operation and unified management". Since then, they have embarked on the road of rapid growth, and the downward shift of power center has become the key. Each frequency is responsible for the program and operation of each frequency. Every year, the radio station issues several operating indicators for each frequency. Each frequency has the two-way function of program production and broadcasting and operation, becoming a competitive subject in the broadcasting market, and its enthusiasm and flexibility have been greatly improved. However, the problems also follow. The competition between different frequencies is intensifying, and everyone is running their own affairs and fighting with each other, which has caused the loss of many resources and affected the overall strength of the radio station. In order to solve this problem, the radio market has taken new measures. The radio station has set up an advertising business center to unify the advertising business of all frequencies and carry out the agency indicators of the whole station and industries. This article is organized and provided by Shengguang Network:


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