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Various promotion types, promotion dubbing

Author: This article was transferred from Internet Time: 2016-05-03 Click: 127 times

   According to different classification methods, promotions can be divided into different types:
(1) Classification by Promotion Entity
From the perspective of implementation subject, promotion activities can be divided into manufacturer promotion and channel promotion.
1. Promotion by manufacturers
That is, product manufacturers or service providers, as the main body of promotion, carry out various promotional activities for intermediaries (dealers and retailers at all levels), consumers and insiders. Promotional dubbing.
2. Channel promotion
That is, dealers or retailers at all levels, as the main body of promotion, carry out various promotional activities for sub dealers, consumers and channel internal sales personnel. Promotional dubbing.
(2) Classification by promotion object
Taking manufacturer promotion as an example, promotion activities can be divided into push promotion and pull promotion in terms of implementation objects.
1. Push promotion
It refers to all kinds of promotional activities targeting middlemen or internal sales personnel. In push promotion, manufacturers promote their products to dealers or retailers through various promotional activities, encourage internal sales personnel to actively develop the market, expand sales, and encourage intermediaries to more actively promote their products to consumers. This kind of promotion method of promoting products in the channel is called "push promotion" or "distribution promotion". For example, the promise of giving a color TV set to dealers who "arrange superior shelves" for their washing powder in the store is a "push promotion". Promotional dubbing.
2. Pull promotion
It refers to all kinds of promotional activities targeting the end consumer. In pull promotion, manufacturers promote consumers to buy their own products through various promotional activities, thus creating a virtuous circle in which retailers purchase goods from wholesalers and wholesalers purchase goods from manufacturers. This kind of promotion method that drives the sales of products is correspondingly called "pull promotion" or "consumption promotion". For example, the move of "anyone who buys a bucket of detergent can get a coupon worth 3 yuan" is a "pull promotion". Promotional dubbing.
The choice of "push promotion" or "pull promotion" by manufacturers should be based on the specific market environment, product characteristics and financial budget. It is worth noting that no matter which promotion method is selected, manufacturers must strive for the cooperation of retailers and implement effective control over dealers.
(3) Classified by the additional benefits that promotion can provide to customers
In the basic theory of this series of textbooks, we define the essential characteristics of a product or service as a carrier for the buyer to meet the needs of interests. Such interests need to include performance interests, financial interests and psychological interests. These three interests combine to form the customer's interest structure, and different interest structures have different degrees and aspects to meet customer needs.
Promotion is a powerful market tool that can provide additional benefits for products. From this perspective, it can be classified according to the different additional benefits that promotion can provide to customers. Take consumer promotion as an example: 1. Promotion focusing on providing financial benefits
Some promotion methods can provide consumers with actual price reduction, so that they can obtain economic benefits from the direct price difference. Such promotion methods mainly include discount and discount.
2. Promotion focusing on providing psychological benefits
Other promotion methods can also meet various psychological interests of consumers through the brand, physical objects, gifts and purchase process of products. Such promotion methods mainly include free samples and incentive promotions.
3. Promotion focusing on providing performance benefits
In addition to the above two benefits, some promotional methods can also provide consumers with some additional benefits through product performance, quality and various substantive technical features, so that they can feel satisfied with the performance benefits. Such promotion methods mainly include service promotion. This article is written by Shengguang Promotion dubbing network provides you with:


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