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What is the RBT

Author: This article was transferred from Internet time: 2016-04-13 Click: 120 times


 RBT dubbing

  RBT dubbing dubbing Net provides you with sorting. We often have the experience that when you dial a friend's mobile phone, what you hear is no longer a boring "beep... beep...", but a song, a classic dialogue in a movie, or a hilarious joke, which makes you smile when you wait for the other person to answer. This is the RBT that is now favored by mobile phone users.
The English name of RBT is coloring ring back tone (often abbreviated as CRBT), which is also called personalized and colorful ring back tone. To be more specific, RBT means that during a call, before the called user agrees, the calling user hears no longer a monotonous ring back tone, but a personalized ring back tone customized in advance by the called customer. It can be seen that the "ring" in the "RBT" refers to the ringing tone of the phone, and the "color" in the "RBT" can be understood as a variety of meanings. RBT can appear in a variety of voice appearances, including a piece of classical music or popular songs, a piece of special sound effects with strong personality, a piece of warm greetings or greetings, a piece of advertising words to promote the enterprise, a short story, a humorous character dialogue, the language of the customer directory, as well as the jokes and movie dialogues mentioned earlier. Call us for RBT dubbing.
RBT originated in South Korea. In March 2002, SK Telecom, the largest mobile operator in South Korea, took the lead in launching RBT services and became the initiator of RBT services. In the next few months, RBT became popular in South Korea, and the number of registered users showed a rapid and steady growth momentum. Then LG Telecom and Korea Telecom began to provide RBT services in June and September of the same year, respectively. With the efforts of these three operators, the RBT business had penetrated into 20% of Korean mobile phone users by the end of 2002. Today, the number of RBT subscribers in South Korea has already exceeded 10 million and continues to grow. The RBT business is also very popular in other parts of Asia, especially in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Japan and other regions. As a new value-added telephone voice service, RBT caters to the needs of modern people who are independent and want to be different with its interesting, easy to use, full personality and other characteristics. Shengguang Network focuses on the production of RBT dubbing.
For many years, the ring back tone of mobile phones and landlines has been a monotonous beep. When you have a RBT, you can say bye bye to the beep. After your mobile phone has opened the RBT service, you can set the RBT by yourself through the Internet or by calling a specific service phone. You can also select or change personalized RBTs according to your hobbies, mood or different times. You can also set different RBTs for different friends, so that communication can start from beautiful music, Let busy friends have a relaxed moment, so that you who love life can have more feelings and more ways to express your personality. At the moment of making a call, RBT will bring us a different happy experience. This article is organized and provided by Shengguang Dubbing Network:

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