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Set and download RBT: log in to user management interface

Author: This article was transferred from Internet time: June 18, 2016 Click: 189 times


 Setting and downloading RBTs

   Log in to the user management interface
RBT service users can set and download RBTs only after logging on the RBT service portal again. Open the computer and connect to the Internet, enter the address of the local RBT service portal website in the address bar of the Internet browser, and press the<enter>key on the keyboard to enter the RBT service user management page. You can also log in to and select your region. After entering the RBT service user management page, you can generally see the user login interface on the left or top of the page, as shown in Figure 2-1.
Enter the phone number of the RBT user (without adding the area code) in the mobile phone number box on the user login face, and enter the user password obtained when the RBT is activated in the password box. If you forget the password, you can click "Forgot Password" after entering the phone number and select the function of retrieving the password, and the system will send the password to your mobile phone. After entering the phone number and password, click "Login". After successful login, the login interface will become the welcome interface, as shown in Figure 2-2. On the RBT service user management page, we can see some function buttons shown in Figure 2-3. With these functions, we can complete the management and settings related to the RBT service. This article is written by Shengguang Promotion dubbing network Provide you with:

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