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Xiong'an knew it (May 22, 2024)

06:30, May 22, 2024 | Source: People's Xiong'an Network
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Photographed by Li Zhaomin

Today is Wednesday, May 22, 2024. The weather is sunny and the temperature is 22 ℃~32 ℃.

Xiong'an News

1. Recently, Xiong'an New Area signed the Memorandum on Further Promoting the Integrated and Coordinated Development of Market Entity Access with Beijing and Tianjin, which aims to promote the integrated and coordinated development of market entity access in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. 11 measures were taken from four aspects to jointly promote the facilitation of market access and optimize the development environment for business entities.

2. The Master Plan of Xiong'an New District (2018-2035) points out that Xiong'an needs to build an intensive, intelligent and shared logistics system. Intensively layout the logistics station facilities and logistics channels in the new area, establish an intelligent logistics system, and explore the three-dimensional layout of logistics space. The logistics service population is calculated as 3.5 million people, and the freight volume of the new area in 2035 is predicted to be 25.5 million tons/year.

3. On May 18, the main bridge of the Yellow River Bridge on Xiong (An) Shang (Qiu) High speed Railway was closed on the south side of the main bridge, laying a solid foundation for the subsequent full bridge connection and arch rib installation and lifting.

4. Since November 2017, Xiong'an New Area started the construction of the millennium forest project, it has accumulated more than 470000 mu of afforestation, more than 23 million trees, and the forest coverage rate has increased significantly from 11% to nearly 35%. At present, the ecological space framework of Xiong'an New Area has basically formed, and the centralized afforestation task has basically been completed.

5. From May 17 to 18, Xiong'an New Area carried out the activity of "Open Day to Relieve the Family of Central Enterprises". During the activity, 20 groups of family representatives from the headquarters of central enterprises were among the first to enter the startup area to learn about the urban construction scene in the startup area and feel the ecological beauty of water city integration.

Focus on Beijing Tianjin Hebei

1. In recent years, Haidian District of Beijing has accelerated the research on key core technologies in the field of aerospace information, promoted the core links of AI resource advantage enabling satellite manufacturing, satellite supporting, satellite networking, satellite operation, communication and remote application, and accelerated the realization of "all-round leadership" in the field of aerospace information technology.

2. Tianjin has made it clear that since the 2027 midterm exam, Tianjin will cancel the policy care for outstanding students and outstanding student cadres at the municipal and district levels and adjust the policy care scope for ethnic minority examinees.

3. Hebei Province has achieved good results in promoting the comprehensive utilization of saline alkali land, initially forming a grain and oil planting model in mild saline alkali land, a grain and feed rotation model in moderate saline alkali land, and an ecological restoration model in severe saline alkali land. The overall development pattern of grain, economy, and feed has initially taken shape.

Xiongguan World

1. The Ministry of Finance of China plans to implement the special guarantee plan for scientific and technological innovation, guide banks and government financing guarantee institutions at all levels to strengthen financing support for scientific and technological innovation SMEs, and leverage more financial resources to invest in scientific and technological innovation by improving the risk sharing and compensation of national financing guarantee funds for scientific and technological innovation SMEs.

2. The Ministry of Finance today announced the operation of fiscal revenue and expenditure from January to April. From January to April, the general public budget revenue of the country was 8092.6 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 2.7%. After deducting the increase in the base of some tax relief for small, medium-sized and micro enterprises in the manufacturing industry in 2022 in the first few months of 2023, and the impact of special factors such as the four tax reduction policies introduced in the middle of 2023 on the fiscal revenue of this year, the comparative growth rate was about 2%, and the recovery growth trend continued.

3. Chongqing has issued a new policy. From now on to December 31, for families with two or three children and at least one minor child who comply with the national fertility policy and purchase new commercial housing in the central urban area of Chongqing and complete the online contract filing, the district government (management committee) where the housing is located will give subsidies of 20000 yuan to families with two children and 30000 yuan to families with three children.

4. In the next three years, Chengdu will focus on building a "green hydrogen city", take extraordinary measures, implement "six major projects", and promote 46 key projects. Promote the annual growth of hydrogen energy industry output value by more than 25%, double the scale in three years, and enter the top five in the country.

Hi, Tao Xiong'an

Today, we share with you the intelligent application of the Regulatory Detailed Planning of Dahe Area Resettlement Supporting Area in Xiong'an New District, Hebei Province.

Relying on the perception system of global coverage and the urban information management center, build a new area planning and construction management platform (BIM) to realize the computability of planning and layout simulation, the controllability of construction and operation, and the deployment of management service element resources. Gather and share relevant perception data of multiple departments in an all-round way, and coordinate urban management information to realize intelligent urban management of dynamic monitoring, intelligent response and automatic collaboration.

Implement intelligent metering and regulation of water, electricity and heat, promote integrated integrated energy service modes such as off peak energy consumption, time-sharing pricing and green energy trading, and realize intelligent management and efficient utilization of water, electricity and heat. (He Meixuan, reporter of People's Daily Online)

(Editor in charge: He Meixuan, Liu Shihao)

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