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Xiong'an knew it (May 20, 2024)

06:30, May 20, 2024 | Source: People's Xiong'an Network
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Today is May 20, 2024, Monday. The weather is cloudy and sunny, and the temperature is 15 ℃~24 ℃.

Today is the eighth solar term among the 24 solar terms, Xiao Man, and the second solar term in summer. The arrival of the Little Full Solar Term means that the summer crops have reached the prelude to harvest, and the annual "summer harvest, summer planting, summer pipe" has kicked off.

Xiong'an News

1. On May 17, Xiong'an New Area held a (enlarged) meeting of members of the Party Working Committee. Zhang Guohua, member of the Standing Committee of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee, secretary of the Party Working Committee and director of the Management Committee of Xiong'an New Area, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to conduct regular inspection and rectification of risks and hidden dangers in key areas, strengthen safety inspection of labor-intensive enterprises, hospitals, schools, construction sites and other key places, strengthen safety supervision of heavy trucks, operating buses, water vessels and other means of transportation, and carefully implement safety precautions, To ensure the safety of people's lives and property and the overall social stability.

2. May 19 is the 14th "China Tourism Day". As the construction of Xiong'an New Area continues to advance, an ecological new town with "blue and green, fresh and bright, and water city integration" is gradually changing from planning to reality, and there are more and more high-value ecological "clocking in" places in Xiong'an New Area.

3. On May 17, the 2024 Sino foreign engineering and technology exchange project "Xiong'an Special Session" was held in Zhongguancun Science Park, Xiong'an New Area. Representatives of technology demand units in Xiong'an New Area and Chinese and foreign experts and scholars held a warm exchange and discussion. Chinese and foreign experts and scholars have expressed their hope to further enhance their understanding of Xiong'an through this activity, actively carry out cooperation with relevant enterprises and institutions in Xiong'an New Area, participate in the construction and development of Xiong'an New Area, and jointly promote the global urban construction to a more intelligent and safer direction.

4. From May 17 to 18, Xiong'an New Area BIM Innovation and Application Exchange Meeting was successfully held. More than 10 industry experts conducted brilliant academic exchange and sharing around BIM enabling industry digital transformation, localization of BIM engine research and development, Xiong'an digital construction mode, Xiong'an New Area BIM service system, and Personnel training and other aspects have put forward valuable suggestions for the application and development of BIM technology in the New Area.

5. On the morning of May 18, the "Great Wall in My Heart" themed photography sharing meeting was held at Yanjiyou Bookstore on the first floor of the Smart Experience Center in Xiong'an New Area, aiming to spread the Great Wall culture and carry forward the spirit gene of the Chinese nation's self-improvement. Yang Dong, a new post-90s Great Wall photographer, member of the China Photographers Association and Great Wall Cultural Image Promotion Ambassador, was shown at the sharing meeting.

Focus on Beijing Tianjin Hebei

1. In order to serve the low-carbon and green development of the sub center of the city, the State Grid Beijing Electric Power Company has created a new power system. The experimental base is a "test field" that helps the system construction with scientific and technological innovation. It is estimated that by 2035, the scale of green power transfer outside the urban sub center is expected to reach about 9 billion kWh, and the proportion of green power in the total social power consumption will reach 60%, effectively supporting the low-carbon green development of the urban sub center.

2. Recently, Tianjin issued Several Measures on Further Promoting the Transformation and Innovation Reform of Scientific and Technological Achievements, which is applicable to municipal universities, municipal research institutes and municipal medical and health institutions set up with financial funds. Other research institutions in Tianjin, such as universities, research institutes, medical and health institutions, can refer to the implementation.

3. Since this year, Hebei Province has actively expanded effective investment in transportation and continued to improve the comprehensive three-dimensional transportation network. This year, 162 key transportation construction projects have been arranged. In the first quarter, the transportation operation started well on the whole, and the scale of fixed asset investment remained at a high level. The province's transportation construction projects completed an investment of 20.83 billion yuan, a record high in the same period of history.

Xiongguan World

1. This year's Government Work Report proposed that from this year on, it is planned to issue ultra long term special treasury bonds for several consecutive years, specifically for the implementation of major national strategies and security capacity building in key areas. This year, 1 trillion yuan will be issued first. The 30-year treasury bonds of 40 billion yuan will be issued for the first time. The coupon rate determined by the bidding is 2.57%. The interest will be calculated from May 20, 2024. After the bidding, the bonds will be distributed until May 20, 2024, and will be listed for trading from May 22. The current treasury bonds are fixed rate interest bearing bonds, and the interest is paid half a year.

2. Recently, the General Office of the State Council issued the Opinions on Innovating and Improving the System and Mechanism to Promote the Standardized and Healthy Development of the Bidding Market, which deployed the reform, innovation and standardized development of China's bidding market in the future. The Opinions is the most systematic and innovative policy document since the promulgation of the implementation regulations of the Bidding Law.

3. Jiangxi has established digital level archives for 17000 enterprises, optimized digital transformation support services, and organized 1097 digital specialists to serve more than 40000 enterprises, forming a service system covering industrial enterprises.

4. Liaoning completed the construction of 5G communication infrastructure along more than 600 kilometers of high-speed rail and subway, more than 4340 kilometers of expressway, 71.07 million square meters of buildings and large venues, and solved the problem of signal coverage in 2273 scenes in total.

Hi, Tao Xiong'an

Today, we share with you the intelligent operation awareness system of the Regulatory Detailed Planning of Dahe Area Resettlement Supporting Area in Xiong'an New District, Hebei Province.

Build a perception system with high density, global coverage and interconnection of all things. Synchronizing with the infrastructure construction of the supporting resettlement area in Dahe District, we will plan and intensively deploy shared and dedicated sensing facilities to meet the needs of multiple departments and industries in the future, so as to realize real-time perception, intelligent management and operation maintenance of urban operation status. (Prepared by Dai Zexin, a reporter of People's Daily Online)

(Editor in charge: He Meixuan, Liu Shihao)

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