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Since the 20th CPC National Congress

General Secretary Xi Jinping's golden sentence of the Regional Development Forum

07:35, April 26, 2024 | Source: People's Daily
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① On May 10, 2023, Xiong'an New Area, Hebei, made a speech at the forum on promoting the construction of Xiong'an New Area with high standards and quality

In just six years, Xiong'an New Area has grown from scratch, from blueprint to reality, and a high-level modern city is emerging, which can be called a miracle. These achievements were made under the severe situation that the world has not experienced great changes in a hundred years and the new epidemic situation has been the first in three years. It is not easy. Practice has proved that the Party Central Committee's major decision on building Xiong'an New Area is completely correct, and all aspects of work are solid and effective.

It is necessary to fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the strategic deployment of the CPC Central Committee on the construction of Xiong'an New Area, deeply understand the great practical significance and far-reaching historical significance of the CPC Central Committee's decisions, firmly grasp the functional orientation, mission, tasks and principle requirements of the CPC Central Committee on Xiong'an New Area, improve the political position, maintain historical patience, and properly handle short-term and long-term goals The speed of urban construction is closely related to the scale of population gathering, industrial transfer and upgrading, the government and the market, the relief of Beijing's non capital functions, the city's own development, urban construction and the revitalization of surrounding rural areas, to ensure the right direction for the construction and development of Xiong'an New Area.

It is necessary to solidly promote the implementation of various tasks of relieving Beijing's non capital functions, continue to plan the second batch of central enterprise headquarters and secondary and tertiary subsidiaries or innovative business sectors in Beijing to start relieving, and start to plan the relieving transfer of financial institutions, scientific research institutes and public institutions. We should continue to improve the policy system for easing incentives and constraints. For the policies on children's education, medical care, housing, salary, social security, medical insurance, provident fund and so on, we should further refine the practical policies and measures in accordance with the principles and requirements of the old method for the elderly and the new method for the new, so as to ensure that the relief units and personnel enjoy real benefits. We should adhere to the combination of market mechanism and government guidance, focus on both projects and policies, and strengthen the endogenous power of non capital functions to ease up through marketization and rule of law.

We need to fully implement the innovation driven development strategy, promote the implementation of cutting-edge policies and measures of reform and opening up in all fields and forward-looking innovation pilot demonstration projects in Xiong'an, and strive to build new functions, form a new image, develop new industries, gather new talents, and build new mechanisms, so that Xiong'an New Area will become an innovation highland and entrepreneurial hot spot in the new era. It is necessary to create a market-oriented, legalized and internationalized first-class business environment, study and issue a package of special support policies, widely attract and gather domestic and foreign forces and capital to participate in the construction and development of Xiong'an New Area, and form a dynamic situation where people yearn for, elements converge, work together and develop together. We should make extensive use of advanced science and technology, focus on strengthening the construction of scientific and technological innovation capacity, increase the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, actively develop new business types and models, cultivate new growth points, form new driving forces, and build intelligence, green and innovation into a bright business card of Xiong'an New Area. We should implement the concept that green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains, adhere to green and low-carbon development, and build Xiong'an New Area into a model of green development city.

We should optimize and improve the leadership system and management mechanism of Xiong'an New Area, and promote the transformation of the New Area into a city management system in a phased, step-by-step, stable and orderly manner. We should strengthen the construction of leading groups and cadre teams at all levels in the New Area, and improve the overall quality and professionalism of the cadre talent team. We should improve the assessment and evaluation mechanism for cadres in the New Area, and encourage Party members and cadres to be bold, innovative and good at doing things.

We should adhere to the principle of building a people's city for the people and a people's city for the people, solve the immediate interests of the cadres and the masses of Xiong'an New Area, and let the people feel a real sense of gain and happiness from the construction and development of the New Area. We should give priority to employment, improve the guiding policies for employment and entrepreneurship, and strengthen reemployment training for the labor force in the New Area. We should promote the coordinated development of urban and rural areas, and forge a new path in narrowing the gap between urban and rural areas, promoting the integrated development of urban and rural areas, and promoting the common prosperity of all people.

② On May 12, 2023, in Shijiazhuang, Hebei, speech at the symposium on in-depth promotion of coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei

Since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, in accordance with the decisions and arrangements of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the three provinces and cities of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei have earnestly fulfilled their main responsibilities, and the relevant departments and units of the Central Committee have vigorously supported and cooperated with them. They have done a lot of fruitful work. The coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei has achieved new and remarkable results, and the function of relieving Beijing from being a non capital has achieved initial results, and the construction of Xiong'an New Area has achieved major phased results, The pace of high-quality development of Beijing's urban sub center has accelerated, and the formation of "Beijing Tianjin Hebei on track" has accelerated. The beautiful and livable Beijing Tianjin Hebei has achieved fruitful results, and the level of scientific and technological innovation and industrial integration development has continued to improve. Practice has proved that the development strategy of Beijing Tianjin Hebei and other major regions proposed by the Party Central Committee is in line with the needs of high-quality development in the new era of China, and is an effective way to promote Chinese style modernization.

We should firmly hold on to the "bull nose" of relieving Beijing's non capital functions, adhere to the principle of actively, steadily, and making progress while maintaining stability, combine the control of increment with the relieving of stock, and focus on both internal function restructuring and outward relieving transfer, so as to vigorously, orderly and effectively promote the relieving work. It is necessary to focus on the outward evacuation of landmark projects, and continue to plan the second batch of central enterprise headquarters and secondary and tertiary subsidiaries or innovative business sectors in Beijing to start evacuation. We should continue to improve the policy system of easing incentives and constraints, give full play to the role of the market mechanism, and strengthen the endogenous power of outward easing through market-oriented and legal means. It is necessary to further control Beijing's non capital function increment from the source.

We should make greater breakthroughs in the construction of Beijing's "new two wings". The construction of Beijing's urban sub center should properly handle the relationship with Xiong'an New Area, and the "two wings" should work together to effectively solve the problem of Beijing's "big city disease". We should properly handle the relationship with the central urban area, and realize the co prosperity of the main and the secondary. We should accelerate the second batch of Beijing municipal administrative enterprises and institutions to move into the sub center, and the space freed up is mainly used to strengthen the service guarantee for the core functions of the capital. We should properly handle the relationship with surrounding areas and drive high-quality development of surrounding border areas.

As one of the three important power sources leading the high-quality development of the country, Beijing Tianjin Hebei has a large number of first-class universities and high-end research talents. With a solid foundation for innovation and strong strength, it is necessary to strengthen collaborative innovation and industrial collaboration, and play an exemplary role in achieving self-reliance and self-improvement in high-level science and technology. We should accelerate the construction of the Beijing International Science and Technology Innovation Center and the highland of high-level talents, and strive to create an important source of independent innovation and a major source of original innovation in China. We should build a new model of industry university research cooperation, and improve the efficiency and proportion of transformation of scientific and technological achievements in the region. We should strengthen the dominant position of enterprises in innovation and form a group of innovative leading enterprises with independent intellectual property rights and international competitiveness. We should consolidate and strengthen the foundation of the real economy, give top priority to the development of strategic emerging industries such as integrated circuits, network security, biomedicine, electric power equipment, and security emergency equipment, and strive to build a world-class advanced manufacturing cluster.

Promoting the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei should ultimately be reflected in improving people's well-being and promoting common prosperity. We should vigorously promote the trend of investigation and research, deeply understand the needs of the masses, earnestly solve the interests of the masses concerned, and constantly improve the sense of gain, happiness, and security of the masses. We should speed up the promotion of public service co construction and sharing, strengthen the employment priority policy, and promote more full and high-quality employment in the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region. It is necessary to promote the sharing of high-quality basic education resources of primary and secondary schools in Beijing and Tianjin with Hebei, and deepen cooperation in teaching staff, discipline construction, achievement transformation and other aspects of colleges and universities in the region. We should promote the construction of the medical union, and promote the extension of Beijing Tianjin elderly care projects to areas in Hebei where conditions permit. We should continue to focus on the construction of key ecological protection and restoration projects such as the northern sand belt, and continue to promote major ecological projects such as the construction of green ecological barriers.

We should continue to accelerate the construction of transportation and other infrastructure, and further promote intra regional coordination. We should sing the Beijing Tianjin "tale of two cities", expand the breadth and depth of cooperation, jointly create a regional development highland, and play a radiating and leading role in building a world-class city cluster in Beijing Tianjin Hebei. We should combine Beijing's technological innovation advantages with Tianjin's advanced manufacturing R&D advantages, strengthen the joint tackling of key core technologies, jointly build the Beijing Tianjin Hebei National Technology Innovation Center, and improve the ability of the growth engine of scientific and technological innovation. Hebei should give play to its geographical advantages around Beijing and Tianjin, and build an economic corridor connecting Beijing and Tianjin from different directions. Beijing and Tianjin should continue to deepen their assistance to Hebei, and drive Hebei's qualified regions to better undertake Beijing Tianjin technology spillover effects and industrial transfer. We should further promote the reform of the system and mechanism and expand the opening up, make great efforts to optimize the business environment, actively communicate with other regions at home and abroad, and build a highland for China's opening up.

③ On June 6, 2023, Bayannur, Inner Mongolia, made a speech at the symposium on strengthening the comprehensive prevention and control of desertification and promoting the construction of key ecological projects such as the "three north"

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China attaches great importance to the prevention and control of desertification, takes the prevention and control of desertification as the main task of desertification prevention and control, and has successively implemented a number of key ecological projects such as the construction of the "three north" shelter forest system project, the conversion of farmland to forests and grasslands, and the control of sandstorm sources in Beijing and Tianjin. After more than 40 years of unremitting efforts, China's national defense and sand control work has made remarkable achievements. The key control areas have achieved a historic transformation from "sand into human retreat" to "green into sand retreat". Protecting ecology and improving people's livelihood have entered a virtuous circle. The economic and social development and ecological landscape of desertification regions have undergone tremendous changes. The "double reduction" of desertification and land desertification has been achieved, wind and sand hazards and soil erosion have been effectively curbed, the system of laws and regulations for desertification prevention and control has become increasingly sound, and the green benefits have achieved remarkable results, forging the "Three North Spirit" and setting an international model of ecological governance. Practice has proved that the CPC Central Committee's decision on desertification prevention and control, especially the construction of the "Three North" project, is very correct and far sighted. China has embarked on a path of desertification prevention and control with Chinese characteristics that conforms to the laws of nature and national conditions.

2021-2030 is the construction period of the sixth phase of the "Three North" project, the key period to consolidate and expand the achievements of desertification prevention and control, and the critical period to promote the high-quality development of the "Three North" project. We should fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, adhere to the integrated protection and systematic management of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand, take the prevention and control of desertification as the main direction, take the building of the ecological security barrier in the north as the fundamental goal, adjust measures to local conditions, defend against disasters, and implement classified policies, strengthen overall coordination, highlight key governance, mobilize the enthusiasm of all parties, and strive to use about 10 years, We will fight against the "three north" project and build the "three north" project into a fully functional and unbreakable green Great Wall and ecological security barrier in northern Xinjiang.

We should adhere to the concept of system, and firmly promote the integrated protection and systematic management of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand. We should make overall plans for the protection and restoration of forests, grasslands, wetlands and deserts, strengthen the coordination and management of all elements of sand control, water control and mountain control, and strive to cultivate healthy, stable and fully functional ecosystems of forests, grasslands, wetlands and deserts. It is necessary to strengthen regional joint defense and governance, break the boundaries of administrative regions, implement the overall planning of desert edges and hinterland, upper and lower air outlets, sand source areas and path areas, and build an ecological protection network combining points, lines and areas. We should optimize the land use structure of agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry, strictly implement the management and control of land use, leave enough necessary ecological space, and protect the hard won grasslands and forests.

It is necessary to highlight the key points of governance and make every effort to fight three landmark battles. We should make every effort to fight the "several bends" of the Yellow River, focus on the Maowusu Sandy Land, Kubuqi Desert, Helan Mountain, etc., comprehensively implement regional systematic control projects, speed up the control of desertified land, protect and repair the rivers and lakes wetlands and natural grasslands in the Hetao Plain, and enhance the ability to prevent and control desertification and water conservation. We should make every effort to fight the battle of annihilation in Horqin and Hunshandak, scientifically deploy major ecological protection and restoration projects, and concentrate on fighting the battle of annihilation. We should make every effort to fight the resistance war at the edge of the Hexi Corridor Taklimakan Desert, comprehensively protect the natural forest and grass vegetation in the Qilian Mountains, Tianshan Mountains, Altai Mountains, Helan Mountains, Liupan Mountains and other regions, strengthen the restoration of degraded forests and grasslands, and ensure the non-proliferation of sand sources.

We should adhere to scientific desertification control and comprehensively improve the quality and stability of desert ecosystems. We should make rational use of water resources, adhere to the principle of "water determines green, water determines land, water determines people, and water determines production", take water resources as the most rigid constraint, and vigorously develop water-saving forests and grass. It is necessary to scientifically select the vegetation restoration mode, reasonably allocate the type and density of forest and grass vegetation, adhere to the combination of trees, shrubs and grass, and create windbreak and sand fixation forest networks, forest belts, and wind break and sand fixation desert fringe forest and grass belts. We should adapt measures to local conditions and scientifically promote and apply effective governance models.

We should extensively carry out international exchanges and cooperation, implement the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, actively participate in global desertification environmental governance, focus on strengthening cooperation with surrounding countries, support the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" countries to combat desertification, lead countries to carry out policy dialogue and information sharing, and jointly respond to dust disasters.

The implementation of the "three north" project is a major national strategy. It is necessary to comprehensively strengthen organizational leadership, adhere to the working mechanism of central planning, provincial responsibility, and city and county implementation, improve the policy mechanism, strengthen coordination and cooperation, and coordinate and guide relevant key work. We should improve the funding and policy support system for the "Three North" project and establish a stable and sustainable investment mechanism. Party committees and governments at all levels should maintain their strategic focus, draw a blueprint to the end, and work one after another, unswervingly promote the construction of key projects such as "three north", and build a solid ecological security barrier in northern China.

④ On September 7, 2023, in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, the speech at the symposium on promoting the all-round revitalization of Northeast China in the new era

To promote the all-round revitalization of Northeast China in the new era and new journey, we should implement the deployment of the 20th CPC National Congress on promoting the all-round revitalization of Northeast China to achieve new breakthroughs, fully and accurately implement the new development concept, firmly grasp the important mission of Northeast China in maintaining the "five major security" of the country, firmly grasp the primary task of high-quality development and the strategic task of building a new development pattern, We should balance development and safety, adhere to the combination of goal orientation and problem orientation, adhere to the combination of forging strengths and reinforcing weaknesses, adhere to the combination of increasing support and stimulating endogenous momentum, stick to the goal of not relaxing, dare to dare to do and work hard, strive to find a new path of high-quality development and sustainable revitalization, and strive to write a new chapter of comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China.

Since the Symposium on Deeply Promoting the Revitalization of the Northeast was held in Shenyang in September 2018, the three northeastern provinces and Inner Mongolia have made new progress and achievements in promoting the revitalization of the Northeast, the role of the national food security "ballast" has been further consolidated, the foundation of industrial security has been continuously consolidated, the role of energy security has been continuously strengthened, the ecological security barrier has been constantly built, and the national defense security guarantee ability has been steadily improved, Reform and opening up present a new atmosphere.

Northeast China has good resource conditions, strong industrial foundation, unique regional advantages and huge development potential. At present, promoting the all-round revitalization of the Northeast is facing new major opportunities: to achieve self-reliance and self-improvement in high-level science and technology is conducive to transforming the advantages of science, education and industry into development advantages in the Northeast; Construct a new development pattern to further highlight the important strategic position of the Northeast; To promote Chinese style modernization, we need to strengthen the strategic support role of the Northeast. It is believed that in the new journey of building a strong country and national rejuvenation, the Northeast will be able to regain its momentum and create new achievements.

We should promote industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation, and accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system with advantages of northeast characteristics. To promote the all-round revitalization of Northeast China, the foundation is the real economy, the key is scientific and technological innovation, and the direction is industrial upgrading. We should firmly grasp the "bull nose" of independent innovation, and work hard to consolidate the stock, expand the increment, extend the industrial chain, and increase the added value.

We should speed up the modernization of agriculture and rural areas by focusing on the development of modern agriculture. It is the primary responsibility of Northeast China to be the "ballast stone" for ensuring stable grain production and supply. We should always give top priority to ensuring national food security, accelerate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas, improve the comprehensive grain production capacity, and ensure that food production is available and sufficient in peacetime, and that it is affordable and reliable in extreme cases.

We should speed up the construction of a modern infrastructure system and improve the level of opening up and cooperation between China and the outside world. Northeast China is an important gateway for China to open up to the north, and its strategic position and role in strengthening regional cooperation in Northeast Asia and connecting domestic and international double circulation are increasingly prominent. We should enhance our awareness of frontiers and openness, strengthen our ties with the eastern coast and Beijing Tianjin Hebei, deeply integrate into the joint construction of the "Belt and Road", and play a greater role in unblocking the domestic circulation and connecting domestic and international double circulation.

We should improve the overall quality of the population and support the overall revitalization of the Northeast with high-quality population development. We should vigorously develop inclusive childcare services, reduce the burden of family childbearing, rearing and education, and maintain an appropriate fertility rate and population size. We will vigorously develop basic education, increase support for running colleges and universities in Northeast China, improve the education level of the whole people, especially young people, and improve the quality of the population.

We should further optimize the political ecology and create a good business environment. Vigorously carry forward the spirit of the Northeast Anti Japanese Federation, the spirit of Daqing (Iron Man), and the spirit of the Great Northern Wilderness, guide Party members and cadres to establish a correct view of political achievements, and stimulate the enthusiasm of the officers to start businesses. We will strengthen the building of Party conduct and clean government, promote the principle of not daring to corrupt, not being corrupt, and not wanting to corrupt, strictly implement the spirit of the eight central regulations, and urge Party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, to be honest, self disciplined, honest and clean in their work. Emancipate the mind, change ideas, enhance market awareness and service awareness, and overcome formalism and bureaucracy.

⑤ On October 12, 2023, Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, made a speech at the symposium on further promoting the high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt

We should fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, adhere to the principle of joint efforts to protect the environment, not to develop the economy, adhere to ecological priority and green development, take scientific and technological innovation as the guide, promote ecological environment protection and economic and social development as a whole, strengthen policy coordination and work coordination, seek long-term momentum, implement long-term policies, build a long-term foundation, and further promote high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, Better support and serve Chinese modernization.

In the past eight years since the implementation of the development strategy of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, the provinces and cities along the Yangtze River and the relevant departments of the central government have conscientiously implemented the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee, adhered to the principle of joint efforts to protect and avoid large-scale development, insisted on ecological priority and green development, solidly promoted the protection and restoration of the ecological environment of the Yangtze River, and actively promoted the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development. The determination and efforts are unprecedented, Great changes have taken place in the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt. Great changes have taken place in thinking and understanding, and it has become a consensus to jointly focus on major protection and not engage in major development; Major achievements have been made in ecological environment protection and restoration, and the beautiful scenery of "one river flowing eastward" reappears; Significant changes have taken place in the development mode, and innovation driven development has taken off in an all-round way; Regional integration has achieved significant improvement, and regional synergy and linkage have been constantly strengthened; Significant progress has been made in reform and opening up, and the momentum of all-round domestic and external opening has accelerated. In general, the development achievements of the Yangtze River Economic Belt are obvious to all, the quality of development is steadily improving, and the development trend is getting better. At the same time, it should also be noted that the ecological environment protection and high-quality development of the Yangtze River basin are in a critical period from quantitative change to qualitative change, and the achievements are not yet stable. Objectively, there are still many difficulties and problems, and we should continue to work hard to solve them.

In the long run, promoting the high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt fundamentally depends on the high-quality ecological environment of the Yangtze River basin. We should unswervingly adhere to the principle of joint protection and development, and make greater efforts in high-level protection. The ecological red lines along the river have been demarcated, and must be kept under control, strengthen the control of ecological environment zoning, and strictly implement the access list.

We should adhere to the principle of innovation leading development, transform the advantages of scientific research and talents of the Yangtze River Economic Belt into development advantages, actively open up new fields and new tracks for development, and shape new driving forces and new advantages for development. It is necessary to strengthen the optimized combination of science and education resources and the coordination of scientific and technological innovation, focus on the upgrading of the industrial base and the modernization of the industrial chain, actively layout the leading technological breakthroughs in new fields and new tracks, attract high-level scientific and technological innovation talents, improve the original innovation ability in scientific and technological frontier fields, and accelerate the breakthrough of a number of key core technologies.

We should give better play to the unique advantages of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, which runs across the east and west, connects the north and south, and connects the river to the sea. We should better connect the domestic and international markets, make good use of the two resources, improve the endogenous power and reliability of the domestic big cycle, enhance the attraction and driving force of the international cycle, and provide strategic support for building a new development pattern.

We should stick to strengthening regional coordination and integration as the focus, and provinces and cities along the Yangtze River should adhere to inter provincial consultation, ecological co governance, global co construction, development and sharing, enhance regional transport connectivity, policy unity, rule consistency, and implementation synergy, steadily promote the construction of ecological communities and communities of interests, and promote regional coordinated development.

The Yangtze River Economic Belt concerns the overall situation of national development. We should balance development and security, play a greater role in safeguarding national food security, energy security, supply chain security of important industrial chains, water security and other aspects, and make contributions to the overall security with the stability of one region.

We should adhere to the working mechanism of central planning, provincial responsibility, and city/county implementation. The central regional coordinated development leading group should strengthen planning, coordination, supervision, and inspection. Relevant central departments should support projects that conform to the high-quality development orientation of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and promote a number of major reforms in key areas. The main responsibilities of Party committees and governments at all levels in provinces and cities along the Yangtze River should be consolidated to ensure the implementation of the work.

⑥ Speech at the Symposium on Deepening the Integration and Development of the Yangtze River Delta in Shanghai on November 30, 2023

Deeply promoting the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, further improving the innovation ability, industrial competitiveness and development level, and taking the lead in forming a new pattern of reform and opening up at a higher level, are of great significance for China to build a new development pattern, promote high-quality development, and comprehensively promote the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation with Chinese style modernization. We should fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, focus on the two keywords of integration and high quality, establish a global vision and strategic thinking, unswervingly deepen reform, expand high-level opening up, coordinate scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation, coordinate the leading role in driving and promoting strengths, coordinate hardware connectivity and mechanism coordination, and coordinate ecological environmental protection and economic development, We should take the lead in promoting common prosperity, actively explore in building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation, make new major breakthroughs in the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, take the lead in Chinese modernization, and better play the role of pioneering, leading, demonstrating, and radiating.

Since the Yangtze River Delta integrated development strategy was proposed and implemented five years ago, the planning policy system has been formed and continuously improved, the strong and active growth pole function has been continuously consolidated and improved, the establishment of modern industrial system has been accelerated, major breakthroughs have been made in regional coordinated development, new steps have been taken in reform and opening up, and solid progress has been made in ecological and environmental protection and governance, The overall strength and comprehensive competitiveness of the Yangtze River Delta region continue to rank at the forefront of the country. The important window that highlights the superiority of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and the important platform for China to participate in international competition and cooperation are increasingly emerging, winning strategic initiatives for building a new development pattern and promoting high-level opening-up. At the same time, we should also see that there are many deep-seated problems in the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta that need to be further solved, the quality and efficiency of development and the driving role of radiation still need to be improved, the integration of key areas and key regions still need to work hard, the level of division of labor and cooperation in the supply chain of the industrial chain needs to be improved, and the leading role of establishing a unified national market needs to be further played, Reform and opening up still need to be further expanded in depth. There are still many weaknesses in the governance and development of megacities. Promoting the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta is a big article. We should adhere to the principle of seeking progress while maintaining stability, work one post after another, and constantly write a new chapter in the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta.

The Yangtze River Delta region should strengthen cross regional coordination of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation. We will vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation, strengthen the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation, accelerate the birth of new industries, new business forms and new models, expand new space for development, foster new driving forces for development, and better link the Yangtze River Economic Belt and radiate across the country.

The Yangtze River Delta region should speed up the improvement of the integrated development system and mechanism. It is necessary to break the regional division and administrative barriers from the institutional mechanism to provide institutional guarantee for the integrated development. We should enhance the awareness of integration, adhere to the idea of "one game", increase the innovation of systems and mechanisms, achieve greater breakthroughs in key areas and key regions, strengthen the system integration and coordination of various reform measures, and promote the expansion of integration to deeper levels and wider areas.

The Yangtze River Delta region should actively promote high-level collaborative opening up. We will promote high-level opening up with the focus on institutional opening up, strengthen mutual learning and replication of reform experience, and strive to become a powerful engine to smooth China's economic cycle and a strategic hub to connect domestic and international double cycles.

The Yangtze River Delta region should strengthen ecological and environmental protection and joint governance. Strengthen the seamless connection of ecological protection red lines in three provinces and one city, promote the joint protection of important ecological barriers and ecological corridors, strengthen the comprehensive prevention and control of air, water and soil pollution, deepen the joint protection and treatment of transboundary water bodies, strengthen the regional policy coordination of energy conservation, emission reduction and carbon reduction, and build a regional green manufacturing system.

The Yangtze River Delta region should focus on improving its security development capability. We should implement the overall national security concept, adhere to the bottom line thinking, coordinate development and security, focus on science, technology, industry, finance and other fields and major infrastructure related to national and regional security, strengthen the risk prevention and control system and capacity building, and consolidate the foundation for safe development.

To further promote the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, we must uphold and strengthen the Party's overall leadership. We should give full play to the overall coordination function of the central regional coordinated development leading group, and adhere to the strategic guidance function of the planning outline. Three provinces and one city should conscientiously implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee, strengthen organizational leadership and research, strengthen coordination, consultation, supervision and inspection, promote the solution of major problems, promote the implementation of major reforms, and promote the implementation of key tasks. We should strengthen the construction of a team of high-quality and professional cadres who are loyal, clean and responsible, and encourage cadres to boldly explore and take on responsibilities.

⑦ On March 20, 2024, Changsha, Hunan Province, made a speech at the symposium on promoting the rise of the central region in the new era

The central region is an important grain production base, energy and raw material base, modern equipment manufacturing and high-tech industrial base and comprehensive transportation hub in China, and plays a pivotal role in the country. We should focus on the implementation of a series of policies and measures of the CPC Central Committee to promote the rise of the central region, form a joint force to promote high-quality development, and strive to write a new chapter in the rise of the central region in the Chinese style modernization.

Since the last forum on promoting the rise of the central region was held five years ago, the economy of the central region has been generally stable, the momentum of innovation and development has continued to increase, the industrial base has significantly improved, new steps have been taken in reform and opening up, social undertakings have been comprehensively developed, people's living standards have continued to improve, and the pace of green and low-carbon transformation has accelerated, and the development of the central region has reached a higher starting point. At the same time, we should see that there are still many difficulties and challenges to promote the rise of the central region, and we should earnestly study and solve them.

We should lead industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation, and actively cultivate and develop new quality productivity. We should strengthen the connection with other major development strategies and better integrate and support the new development pattern. We should comprehensively promote in-depth reform and high-level opening up, and continue to create a more competitive inland highland for opening up. We should work together to promote ecological environment protection and green and low-carbon development, and accelerate the construction of beautiful central China. We should adhere to the integrated development of urban and rural areas and solidly promote the overall revitalization of rural areas. We should adhere to the mutual promotion of high-quality development and high-level security, and strive to improve the ability to ensure the security of food, energy and resources.

The central leading group for coordinated regional development should strengthen overall planning, coordination, supervision and guidance, and the central departments concerned should increase support, study and propose policies and measures to promote the rise of the central region in the new era. Local Party committees and governments should shoulder the main responsibility, resolutely implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, and promote the implementation of key tasks and major reform issues.

⑧ On April 23, 2024, Chongqing, speech at the symposium on promoting the development of the west in the new era

The western region plays an important role in the overall situation of national reform, development and stability. We should focus on the implementation of the policies and measures of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to promote the development of the western region, further form a new pattern of big protection, big opening and high-quality development, improve the overall strength and sustainable development capacity of the region, and strive to write a new chapter in the development of the western region in the Chinese style modernization.

Over the past five years, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has made plans to promote the development of the western region in the new era to form a new pattern. Significant achievements have been made in the protection and restoration of the ecological environment in the western region, the ability to develop high-quality has been significantly improved, the construction of an open economic pattern has been accelerated, infrastructure conditions have been greatly improved, people's living standards have been steadily improved, the fight against poverty has been won on schedule, and a well-off society has been built in an all-round way with the whole country, We embarked on a new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way. At the same time, it should be noted that the development of the western region still faces many difficulties and challenges, which should be effectively studied and solved.

We should adhere to the development of characteristic and advantageous industries as the main direction, develop emerging industries according to local conditions, and accelerate the industrial transformation and upgrading in the western region. We should adhere to the principle of high-level protection to support high-quality development and strengthen the national ecological security barrier. We should adhere to the principle of opening up to promote development and improve the level of opening up of the western region to the outside world. We should adhere to the principle of coordinated development and security, and improve security capabilities in key areas such as energy and resources. We should adhere to the organic combination of new urbanization and comprehensive rural revitalization, and ensure and improve people's livelihood in development. We should adhere to building a strong sense of community of the Chinese nation and earnestly safeguard national unity and border stability.

The central leading group for regional coordinated development should strengthen overall planning, coordination, supervision and inspection, and relevant central departments should study and propose targeted policy measures. Party committees and governments at all levels in the western region should shoulder the main responsibility and promote the implementation of the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee. We will improve the cooperation mechanism between the East and the West, and deepen counterpart support and targeted assistance. Consolidate and expand the achievements of theme education, pay close attention to the learning and education of party discipline, and continue to rectify formalism to reduce the burden at the grass-roots level. We will improve the decision-making mechanism, fully demonstrate and assess risks before the introduction of major policies, especially those related to people's livelihood, and promptly investigate and decisively deal with problems in the implementation. Build a team of high-quality and professional cadres who are loyal, clean and responsible, establish and improve the assessment and incentive system, care about grassroots cadres, especially those in areas with difficult conditions, and encourage cadres to forge ahead, boldly explore and take on their responsibilities.

People's Daily (April 26, 2024, 2nd Edition)

(Editor in charge: Fang Tong, Fu Zhaosa)

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