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"Ecological environment zoning management and control has a" construction map "series of interpretations

"Clear the bottom line" and "delimit the border" Ecological environment zoning control injects new momentum into high-quality development

Ouyang Yijia
March 23, 2024 12:56 | Source: People's Network
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High quality development is the primary task of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way. Promoting green and low-carbon economic and social development is the key to achieving high-quality development.

The General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council recently issued the Opinions on Strengthening the Control of Ecological Environment Zones (hereinafter referred to as the Opinions). The Opinions put forward that ecological priority and green development should be given. Adhere to respecting, adapting to and protecting nature, maintain the natural ecological security boundary and the bottom line of environmental quality, implement the responsibility for natural ecological security, and promote green and low-carbon development.

Industry insiders believe that the implementation of ecological environment zoning management and control is a powerful starting point to promote high-quality development. Ecological environment zoning management and control is based on the ecological environment management and control unit, and uses the ecological environment access list as a means to leave more space for green, low-carbon and high-quality development, and provide a green benchmark for supporting scientific policy decision-making, planning and optimization of productivity layout, Inject new momentum and shape new advantages for high-quality development.

District management and control boosts high-quality economic development

"The important signs of high-quality economic development are 'green' and 'low-carbon', and the premise is ecological environment security Protection and other aspects to promote high-quality economic development.

Li Wei believes that the implementation of ecological environment zoning management and control to boost high-quality economic development should identify and grasp the contradictory characteristics of economic and industrial development and ecological environment protection in different regions and the key points of coordinated management and control, and the application path of ecological environment zoning management and control in different regions and basins should be focused.

"For example, the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region should highlight the dual constraints of ecological space protection and environmental quality bottom line, promote the adjustment of energy structure and transportation structure, and optimize the layout of energy and heavy chemical industries, reasonably guide the development of steel and petrochemical industries to the coastal agglomeration, and strictly enforce the ecological environment access requirements of industrial evacuation and undertaking areas, We will coordinate the integrated management and control of the ecological environment of Xiong'an New Area and its surrounding areas, and support the water quality improvement of Baiyangdian Lake and the high standard construction of Xiong'an New Area. ”Li Wei said.

Li Wei believes that the Yangtze River Delta should be guided by solving the problem of mismatch between local regional environmental bearing and economic development, explore the establishment of a regional integrated ecological environment management and control mechanism of river bay land sea linkage, coordinate the development and protection management and control requirements of upstream and downstream left and right banks, and strictly implement them level by level. We will optimize the layout of heavy chemical industries along the Yangtze River, and guide the green transformation and upgrading of traditional manufacturing industries and the rational layout of strategic emerging industries.

Accelerate green and low-carbon transformation and upgrading of traditional industries

It is reported that in Changshou Industrial Park in Chongqing, Chengdu and Leshan in Sichuan, Yulin in Shaanxi, Linyi in Shandong, Lianyungang in Jiangsu and other places, nearly 20 pilot regions and cities and their industrial parks have carried out pilot projects to promote "pollution reduction, carbon reduction and synergy" through zoning control, providing a good starting point for the next step to promote green and low-carbon transformation and upgrading of traditional industries such as petrochemical, steel, building materials, etc.

Li Wei said that the key point of the management and control of ecological environment zoning is to focus on the "deep transformation and upgrading of industries", guide the technology and mode upgrading through strict ecological environment access, improve the transformation effect through multi-path carbon pollution coordinated control, and guide the transformation and upgrading through the optimization of emission rights and carbon emission rights.

The Opinions proposed to promote green and low-carbon development. Connect the ecological environment access list, and guide the orderly decline of the functional space of traditional industries in the central urban area with high population density. What is the ecological environment access list? What's the use?

In this regard, Li Xiaomin, a senior engineer of the Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences, introduced that the list of ecological environment access is an important component of the results of ecological environment zoning management and control, which fully reflects the systematic characteristics of the ecological environment zoning management and control system.

"The implementation of the list of ecological environment access lies in the comprehensive implementation of the negative list of market access, the guidance catalog of industrial restructuring, and the prohibitive and restrictive requirements on development and construction activities in the negative list of industrial access of key ecological functional zones issued by various regions." Li Xiaomin said, "Guided by solving prominent ecological and environmental problems, the system integrates laws, regulations and institutional requirements, puts forward the requirements for" one unit, one strategy "ecological and environmental access from the aspects of controlling pollutant emissions, preventing and controlling environmental risks, improving the efficiency of resource and energy utilization, and guides the development, protection and construction activities in ecological and environmental management, reflecting the differences and accuracy of ecological and environmental management Sex. "

Explore the value realization mode of various ecological products

The Opinions put forward that we should optimize the management of priority protection units of ecological environment, encourage the exploration of the value realization mode and path of ecological products, and improve the ecological carbon sink capacity.

What are the modes to realize the value of ecological products? Experts in the industry believe that ecological products include definable, divisible and measurable material supply, regulatory services, cultural services, etc., which are derived from the comprehensive input of natural forces and human protective labor. Generally, it includes the basic modes of value realization such as industrial ecology, ecological industry, property right transaction, ecological compensation, and green finance.

"In a sense, the key mechanism to realize the value of ecological products is the transfer or transfer of space rights, so as to present the ecological bearing attribute of space and the production carrier attribute of land," said Li Wei.

Li Wei said that, on the basis of linking up with the territorial spatial planning, the management and control of ecological environment zones has defined the "main production areas" of ecological products and their protection objectives and requirements in space by delimiting ecological protection red lines and general ecological spaces, and put forward management and control requirements, standards, and prohibited or restricted development activities around ecological functions, environmental quality, resource utilization, etc, It provides an important support for the following key links such as the identification of the origin of ecological products, the formation of pricing mechanism, and the construction of credit system, and also provides a basis for the implementation and application of value realization models such as ecological compensation.

(Editor in charge: Song Yewen, Liu Shihao)

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