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There is an echo that Xiongan Rongdong cannot use the shared electric vehicle? Official response: access permit formalities are being handled

09:33, December 22, 2023 | Source: People's Xiong'an Network
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Xiong'an, People's Daily Online, December 22 (Reporter Li Xueqing) "In November, the operators of shared electric vehicles adjusted the operating range of electric vehicles in Rongdong District twice, and by the evening of November 28, 2023, the entire Rongdong District was not within the operating range." Recently, a Xiong'an netizen reported through the "leadership message board" on People's Daily Online, Rongdong District of Xiong'an New Area does not belong to the operation scope of shared electric vehicles and cannot use shared electric vehicles for travel. I hope relevant departments can solve this problem.

 Leaving a message.

Screenshot of netizen's message

During the return visit, the reporter learned that the netizen lives in Rongdong District, works in Xiong'an Citizen Service Center, and rides a shared electric bike to and from work every day. "Now we can't ride shared electric vehicles. We have to wait for buses and taxis for a long time. It's very inconvenient to travel," said the netizen.


Screenshot of official reply

After receiving the message, the Management Committee of the Party Working Committee of Xiong'an New Area replied that: it is understood that Xiong'an New Area is currently going through access permit procedures for operators, and will resume normal operation in the near future to meet the needs of citizens for medium and short distance travel.

The reporter contacted the Construction and Transportation Bureau of Xiong'an New Area and learned that the bureau will sign an operation management agreement for Internet rental bicycles with Meituan, Didi and Halo, and the relevant process is currently being actively promoted. After the agreement is signed, the launch of shared electric vehicles in Rongdong District will resume.

What difficulties do you have to solve? Welcome to the "Leaders Message Board" of People's Daily Online to leave a message about your difficulties and troubles.

(Editor in charge: Li Xueqing, Liu Shihao)

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