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People's suggestion that college graduates in recent two years should enjoy policy support netizens' advice Xiong'an talent policy was replied

December 19, 2023 08:57 | Source: People's Xiong'an Network
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People's Daily Online, Xiong'an, December 19 (Reporter Liu Shihao) On November 7 this year, Xiong'an New Area released "Several Measures on Building a New High and Gathering New Talents in a Hot Place for Entrepreneurship", that is, "Sixteen Talents", which triggered a heated debate. One netizen put forward some views on the "Leaders' Message Board" of People's Daily Online on the third article of the policy, "Recruitment of Outstanding Young Talents", and attached his own suggestions on policy implementation.

 Screenshots of netizens' messages.

Screenshot of netizen's message

In the message, the netizen said that he graduated in June this year, and now he has worked in Xiong'an New Area, which is in the internship (probation) stage. I don't know whether he meets the category of "fresh graduates of colleges and universities" mentioned in Article 3. I hope that relevant units can consider as a whole the college graduates like him who just entered the job before the policy release can be included in the scope of policy support.

The third article of the "Sixteen Talents" originally reads: "We encourage outstanding fresh graduates of colleges and universities to come to Xiong'an to work, participate in the job application examination and stay in the 'talent station' for free. Within five years after entry, we will pay 3000 yuan for doctoral students, 2000 yuan for master students and 1000 yuan for undergraduate students every month."

The question of the netizen is whether the assessment of outstanding college graduates should start from the release of the policy. "If so, only college students who have graduated since 2024 can meet the requirements. Therefore, my suggestion is that graduates of nearly two years, namely graduates of 2022 and 2023, should also be included in the talent category and enjoy the corresponding talent policy," said the netizen.

 Screenshot of official reply.

Screenshot of official reply

According to the netizen's message, the Management Committee of the Party Working Committee of Xiong'an New Area replied that the staff of relevant departments had communicated with the netizen by phone, made a detailed record of his statement, and would carefully study the suggestions put forward. At present, the implementation rules and application channels of the subsidy policy for outstanding fresh graduates in the "16 Rules for Talents" are being closely prepared. Please continue to pay attention to the official news of the New Area.

The reporter learned during the visit that the netizen graduated from Peking University and is a master of engineering student, who has always been interested in Xiong'an New Area. After working in Xiong'an New Area as expected, we saw the release of the "Sixteen Rules for Talents", which strengthened our confidence in taking root in Xiong'an. He said, "Our group of graduates have firmly chosen to grow up with Xiong'an and hope to enjoy the good policies of Xiong'an."

The reporter also contacted the Talent Group of the Party Masses Work Department of Xiong'an New Area, and the relevant responsible comrades said that at present, the implementation rules of the "16 Rules for Talents" are being formulated and improved, and substantial progress has been made, but it still needs to be deepened and refined with all parties. The implementation rules will provide the best guarantee in terms of financial support, work convenience, life services, etc., so that talents are willing to come, stay and develop well. At the same time, for particularly excellent talents and high-quality projects, we will implement the policy of "one case, one discussion", and handle special cases on a special basis, without capping support policies.

What suggestions do you have? Welcome to the "Leaders Message Board" of People's Daily Online.


(Editor in charge: Wang Hong, Liu Shihao)

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