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Well done | More than 50 migrant workers were in arrears for more than half a year and promptly settled after leaving a message

November 30, 2023 12:23 | Source: People's Xiong'an Network
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Xiong'an, People's Daily Online, November 30 (Reporter Li Xueqing) "In 2022, 50 of our rebar workers will work in the University Park Library Project in the starting area of China Railway Construction Engineering Group. The labor company is Beijing Xincheng Jiaye, and more than 300000 yuan of salary has not been paid in total. I hope leaders can help us solve this problem." Recently, a netizen who works in Xiong'an left a message on the "Leaders Message Board" of People's Daily Online, It reflects that the salary is in arrears and has not been recovered.

Screenshot of netizen's message

After receiving the message, Rongcheng County Party Committee replied to the netizen that "through coordination and communication, you and the employer have reached an agreement on salary arrears."

Screenshot of official reply

The reporter contacted the netizen and learned that his problem was effectively solved by the relevant departments one day after leaving a message. Up to now, he and more than 50 co-workers have paid more than 200000 yuan of wages in arrears, and the heads of relevant units have promised to pay the balance before the end of this year.

Screenshot of netizens' comments

The netizen gave five-star praise on the "leader message board", saying "I am very satisfied, the attitude of return visit is good, and the staff solved it in a timely manner."

It is reported that in order to ensure the payment of migrant workers' wages at the end of the year and the beginning of the year, from November 13, 2023 to the Spring Festival in 2024, Hebei has decided to carry out a special winter action to eradicate wage arrears throughout the province. Improve the quality and efficiency of solving the problem of salary arrears from six aspects, namely, quick inspection and handling, quick adjustment and quick dismissal, and coordinated disposal, to ensure that all verified cases of salary arrears are completed before the 2024 Spring Festival.

At the end of the year, the problem of salary arrears is easy to happen. If you and the people around you also suffer from salary arrears, or have any urgent problems, you can talk to the leaders through the "Leaders Message Board" on People's Daily Online.


(Editor in charge: Li Xueqing, Liu Shihao)

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