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Authoritative interpretation of Xiong'an New Policy ① Xiong'an New Area takes the lead in canceling pre-sale of commercial housing WYSIWYG

Liu Shihao
September 19, 2023 08:49 | Source: People's Xiong'an Network
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Xiong'an New Area closely follows the theme of high standard and high-quality development, builds a new housing system, creates a model of balanced work and housing, optimizes the supply of rental and purchase housing, promotes the development of the real estate market, and continues to optimize the business environment. Recently, our website interviewed relevant responsible comrades of the Housing Management Center of Xiong'an New Area about the new housing system of Xiong'an New Area.

The responsible comrade gave a comprehensive introduction and interpretation from six key aspects.

First, constantly improve the housing provident fund policy. In the past two years, Xiong'an New Area has accelerated to promote the policy of relieving people's accumulation fund benchmarking Beijing. Since 2022, the upper limit of housing provident fund for relief workers has been implemented according to Beijing standards. In June of this year, Beijing relief personnel "purchase houses in Xiong and provident fund loan in Beijing", that is, the new type of non local provident fund loan, was launched for the first time. It is expected that around October, the scope of the new off-site provident fund policy will continue to increase, and the use scenarios will be broadened from house purchase loans to house rental withdrawals, and the housing provident fund policy will be fully integrated into the city.

The second is to build a new housing system. Xiong'an New Area has successively issued a package of policy documents covering housing lease, housing sales, commercial office housing lease and sales, co ownership housing management, housing provident fund management, etc., to build a complete and feasible housing system, realize policy integration with Beijing and even more optimization, so that the relocated personnel have no worries about housing. A new housing system with the characteristics of Xiong'an New Area, featuring multi entity supply, multi-channel security, rent and purchase, has been basically formed.

The third is to focus on "industry city integration and balance between work and housing". Xiong'an New Area insists on building one area, forming one area and using one area according to the pace of relief and the scale of population introduction. The construction of residential areas is generally delivered more than half a year ahead of industrial projects. Around the residential area, supporting commercial services, education, medical care, and transportation are synchronized to form a three-level public service facility system of "city cluster community" and create a 15 minute community life circle. Implement "one enterprise, one plan, one project, one plan", and refine the granularity of housing security to every relief unit. A green, ecological and livable new urban area with industry city integration, balanced work and housing, ecological and livable, and convenient transportation is initially presented.

Fourth, focus on both renting and purchasing, and provide optimized diversified housing supply. Xiong'an New Area adheres to the principle of basic security and taking account of differences, establishes a diversified housing supply system, reasonably plans and constructs four types of housing, namely commercial housing, housing with common property rights, institutional rental housing and affordable rental housing, to meet multi-level personalized housing needs.

For the relief personnel who work and live stably in Xiong'an New Area, they can purchase marketable project sales housing (including commercial housing and co ownership housing). Xiong'an New Area creatively cancels the pre-sale of commercial housing, implements the sales of existing houses and the delivery of hardbound houses, and "what you see is what you get, and when you deliver the house, you deliver the certificate".

In view of the large demand for rental housing of Xiong'an migrant population and the high demand for rental housing quality of new citizens and young people, we will vigorously cultivate and develop the housing rental market. In the marketization project of the new area, no less than 30% of the "rent only, not for sale" housing will be allocated. All kinds of talents who have just arrived at the New Area or worked in the New Area for a short time can choose rental housing with good quality, sufficient supply and stable rental relationship.

At present, the first batch of talent apartments in Xiong'an New Area has been officially put into operation, and the first affordable rental housing project in Xiong'an New Area has been officially listed. More than 1000 houses have been delivered with soft decoration and checked in. Nearly 10000 affordable rental houses have been raised and are being put on the market according to demand.

Fifth, always adhere to the principle of "no speculation in housing". Since its establishment, Xiong'an New Area has resolutely refused to engage in large-scale commercial real estate development, constantly improved the multi-level housing supply policy and market regulation system, established a long-term mechanism that prohibits speculation, and built a housing supply pattern that matches supply and demand, has a reasonable structure, orderly circulation, and expenditure and consumption capacity.

Accurately guarantee the evacuation and transfer of personnel. Considering the time and personnel scope of Beijing's evacuation and transfer units, as well as the geographical location and other factors of the evacuation units, we will promote Xiong'an people to live in a proper place.

Xiong'an New Area has built a "two supply and two price" mechanism of land supply, housing supply and land price, housing price linkage. The record price of market-oriented project housing is calculated in the way of "cost+taxes+reasonable profit", and the housing price is guided to maintain a reasonable range. At the same time, we will regularly carry out housing rental market research and publish the reference rent price and rental guide.

We will support willing talents to solve the housing problem by renting houses, and implement "the same right to rent and sell" in public service fields such as education, medical care, and employment, and establish a new housing consumption concept of "long-term rent means long-term residence, and long-term residence means settlement". In July this year, more than 1400 families signed up for Xiong'an New Area School by virtue of the lease record contract.

Sixth, we will continue to optimize the business environment and promote the unified management of housing management through one network. Relying on the information platform and blockchain, we will build a "big house management" system with "digital house management" as the engine, integrate housing transaction, rental housing, resettlement housing, guaranteed rent housing, provident fund, smart property and other subsystems, promote the unified management of housing management through one network and one network, and achieve handheld and one key management of various housing businesses.

At present, the online rate of routine business of housing provident fund has reached 100%; The electronic receipt of provident fund is not queried and automatically reconciled throughout the whole process, and the work efficiency is improved by more than 95%; The housing rental filing platform is interconnected with the real estate government system, implementing "double verification and double filing" to ensure "real rental and real house rental"; Filing lease can also realize the function of direct payment of housing rent by provident fund, and truly implement more data and less people... Xiong'an housing management services are striving to create a new benchmark for the integration of data and reality.

The person in charge said that, in the next step, Xiong'an Housing Management Center will continue to follow the idea of "benchmarking domestic advanced and positioning national leading" to create "livable Xiong'an with simultaneous rent and purchase and balanced work and housing", and carry out more valuable exploration and practice in housing system reform.

Extended reading:

Xiong'an Accelerates the Implementation of a Package of Special Support Policies

Beijing non capital function relief personnel can apply for withdrawal of housing provident fund in Xiong'an New District

The new model has been launched Xiong'an, and the housing provident fund rental direct payment function has been launched

(Editor in charge: Wang Hong, Liu Shihao)

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