Our institute went to Taizhou Economic and Technological Development Zone to carry out research and exchange on the 14th Five Year Plan project - the planning network of the industrial park of the Chinese Academy of Mechanical Engineering
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Our institute went to Taizhou Economic Development Zone to carry out research and exchange on the 14th Five Year Plan project

Source: China Machine Research Institute Time: November 26, 2019 Click: 2626 times

From November 19 to 20, 2019, at the invitation of the Enterprise Service Center of Taizhou Economic Development Zone, Liu Chaojie, the director of the Modern Service Industry Research Institute of China Machinery Industry and Urban Planning and Design Institute (hereinafter referred to as "China Machinery Industry Institute"), and his delegation went to Taizhou Economic Development Zone to carry out a two-day research and exchange. During this period, Huang Feng, the director of the Enterprise Service Center, gave strong support to the research and exchange. Accompanied by Xue Kai, Section Chief of the Center, CMC held discussions and exchanges with the main functional departments of Taizhou Economic Development Zone, such as the Enterprise Service Center, the Investment Promotion Center and the Comprehensive Security Zone, and 15 key enterprises in the zone, conducted in-depth interviews with the main leaders of the Economic Development Zone Management Committee, and made key visits to enterprises in the zone.
The "14th Five Year Plan" period is an important historical window period for local development and a critical period for local economic and social construction. Taizhou Economic Development Zone attaches great importance to this project. Chen Lei, secretary and director of the management committee, Yang Xuejin, deputy director, and Jiang Peng, deputy director, spoke highly of the "13th Five Year Plan" of Taizhou Economic Development Zone made by the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and put forward programmatic requirements for each project of the "14th Five Year Plan".
During the visit and research, the project team fully listened to the opinions and suggestions of various functional departments and enterprises, comprehensively and profoundly explored the problems faced by the current development of the park, and finally identified the demands and opportunities for the industrial development of the Economic Development Zone during the "14th Five Year Plan". Jiang Peng, Deputy Director of the Management Committee of Taizhou Economic Development Zone, affirmed the business capability of our institute, and clearly proposed that we hope to take advantage of Zhizhong Mechanical Engineering Institute to deeply prepare the 14th Five Year Plan project of Taizhou Economic Development Zone and guide the next step of park construction from a strategic and professional perspective.
 The project team of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the functional departments of Taizhou Economic Development Zone had a discussion
Figure 1 Discussion between the Project Team and the functional departments of Taizhou Economic Development Zone

 Figure 2 Project Team Visits and Investigates Electronic Information Enterprises in the Park
Figure 2 Project Team Visits and Investigates Electronic Information Enterprises in the Park

 Figure 3 Project team visits high-end equipment manufacturing enterprises in the park
Figure 3 Project team visits high-end equipment manufacturing enterprises in the park

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