The four departments interpret the "silver economy" with a large amount of information! Elderly products, smart health care, anti-aging and other industries - the planning network of the Industrial Park of the Chinese Academy of Machinery Research
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The four departments interpret the "silver economy" with a large amount of information! Elderly products, smart health care, anti-aging and other industries

Source: Original Time: 2024-01-23 Click: 651
Recently, the General Office of the State Council issued the Opinions on Developing the Silver Hair Economy to Improve the Welfare of the Elderly (hereinafter referred to as the Opinions). The Information Office of the State Council held a regular briefing on the policies of the State Council on January 22, inviting relevant leaders from the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Ministry of Commerce to introduce relevant information and come to see it together!

Recently, the General Office of the State Council issued the Opinions on Developing the Silver Hair Economy to Improve the Welfare of the Elderly (hereinafter referred to as the Opinions). The Information Office of the State Council held a regular briefing on the policies of the State Council on January 22, inviting relevant leaders from the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Ministry of Commerce to introduce relevant information and come to see it together!

  Quick overview of key points:

The diversified, differentiated and personalized needs of the elderly are becoming more and more vigorous and urgent, but have not been effectively met, which contains huge development opportunities.

Make up for the shortcomings of rural elderly care services, strengthen the construction of county and rural three-level elderly care service network, and promote the extension of professional services of elderly care institutions to village level neighborhood mutual aid points and rural happiness homes.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has successively released two groups of product promotion catalogs for the elderly, focusing on 631 high-quality products such as clothing for the elderly, nursing robots, intelligent monitors, and multi-functional nursing beds.

Housekeeping service is a sunrise industry and a love project, which has great prospects. Care of the elderly is an important job of domestic service. At present, there are more than 30 million domestic workers in China.

What is the new connotation of silver economy? Why should we develop the silver economy? What new opportunities are there?

   National Development and Reform Commission:

As for the connotation of the silver economy, (we) define it as the sum of a series of economic activities, such as providing products or services to the elderly and preparing for the aging stage. Specifically, it includes two aspects: "the aging economy in the old age stage" and "the aging economy in the young age stage". Mainly based on the following considerations:

First, from the perspective of national planning guidance, the development of silver economy fully echoes and implements the national strategy of actively responding to population aging. It is an overall consideration under the national strategic framework of actively responding to population aging to include the relevant industries of "preparing for aging" into the category of silver economy.

Secondly, from the perspective of individual life cycle, the old age stage and the young age stage are not separated and should be planned as an organic whole. Material and wealth reserves and health management should be carried out in the young stage, so that the elderly can have a sense of security, action and happiness.

Third, from the perspective of social intergenerational transmission, the development of silver economy cannot be separated from the joint participation of people of all ages. Every family has old people, and everyone will grow old. The current needs of the old will be the future needs of the young. The cohesion of social consensus and the response of more people have laid a good foundation for the development of silver hair economy.

The silver economy covers a wide area, but at this stage the relevant industries are mainly concentrated in catering, nursing, health care and other basic elderly care services. The diversified, differentiated and personalized needs of the elderly are becoming more and more vigorous and urgent, but have not been effectively met, which contains huge development opportunities. In view of these industrial weaknesses, the Opinions combines the development basis of the supply side, and according to the demand characteristics of the elderly and the elderly population, from the elderly products, smart health pension products and rehabilitation aids needed by the elderly themselves, to high-quality services such as anti-aging, pension finance and elderly tourism, and then to the aging transformation of the whole society, Seven potential industries were planned.

   To implement the requirements of the Opinions, how will the Ministry of Civil Affairs do a good job in elderly care services?

Ministry of Civil Affairs:

First, increase the supply of elderly care services. Develop catering service for the elderly, guide local governments to implement the action plan of actively developing catering service for the elderly, innovate the organizational form, service mode and operation mechanism of catering for the elderly, and constantly expand the scope and improve quality and efficiency on a sustainable basis. We will improve elderly care services, continue to implement the national standards for assessing the ability of the elderly, organize the central government to support the centralized care services for the disabled elderly in economic difficulties, guide local governments to increase nursing beds in elderly care institutions and appropriately add special areas for cognitive impairment care. Make up for the shortcomings of rural elderly care services, strengthen the construction of county and rural three-level elderly care service network, and promote the extension of professional services of elderly care institutions to village level neighborhood mutual aid points and rural happiness homes.

The second is to cultivate new business forms of elderly care services. Develop smart elderly care services, carry out the construction of national smart social governance experimental elderly care characteristic base and smart healthy elderly care pilot demonstration, develop smart elderly care homes, smart restaurants, family elderly care beds and other industry standards, and create smart solutions. We will continue to implement the task of supporting 2 million elderly families with special difficulties, disabilities and disabilities to adapt to aging at home during the "14th Five Year Plan" period, and stimulate the needs of society to adapt to aging. We will develop pension finance, formulate and improve policies and measures to support the development of pension services, expand financing channels for pension service institutions, and enrich the supply of pension financial products and services.

Third, strengthen the guarantee of elderly care service elements. We will promote the building of a contingent of elderly care professionals. Cracking down on fraud involving the elderly, based on the responsibilities of civil affairs departments, do a solid job in preventing and resolving fraud such as illegal fund-raising in the elderly care service field, and strengthen daily supervision and management; We will strengthen supervision over the pre charging of pension institutions, and comprehensively reduce fraud risks such as illegal fund-raising in pension services.

What has been done to increase the supply of high-quality elderly goods and empower the silver economy with digital technology?

   Ministry of Industry and Information Technology:

Increase the supply of high-quality elderly goods,

First, two groups of product promotion catalogs for the elderly have been released, focusing on 631 high-quality products such as clothing for the elderly, nursing robots, intelligent monitors, and multi-functional nursing beds. For example, in view of the difficulty of getting up in bed for the elderly, a multi-function nursing bed has been developed, which can realize the function of turning and getting up with one button. The elderly can operate alone in bed, effectively improving the quality of life.

Second, 9 batches of upgrading and innovative consumer goods guides have been prepared, which has increased the emphasis on elderly goods, and also promoted a batch of innovative products that meet the needs of the elderly. For example, smart toilet, automatic temperature control cooker and other innovative and upgraded household products.

Third, encourage and support local cultivation of traditional superior food producing areas and specialty food industry, especially increase the supply of elderly food and specialty food. The nutritional diet and health food such as high calcium milk powder, vitamin and mineral tablets used by the elderly effectively meet the nutritional needs of the elderly.

In terms of making full use of digital technology to enable the silver economy and facilitate the life of the elderly,

First, we need to foster and expand the smart, healthy and elderly care industry. Focusing on Internet+medical health, smart nursing homes, smart communities and other scenarios, we will continue to carry out the selection and dynamic management of smart health elderly care application pilot projects with relevant departments. So far, 199 demonstration enterprises, 293 demonstration streets, 80 demonstration bases and 3 demonstration parks have been established. Three editions of the Promotion Catalog of Smart Health Elderly Care Products and Services were released to encourage enterprises to develop and promote products and services suitable for the elderly.

Second, solve the application problems of digital products and services for the elderly. We issued and implemented the Work Plan for Promoting the High Quality Development of Digital Technology Adapting to Aging, organized special actions, and completed the transformation of 2577 websites and mobile apps commonly used by the elderly. Organize the formulation of aging standards for mobile terminals, smart TVs and other products, and promote the aging adaptation of more than 140 million domestic smart phones and smart TVs.

Third, increase the publicity of digital help for the elderly. Let the elderly really feel the temperature of digital achievements.

How to promote the ease and convenience of consumption of silver hair groups? How to promote the quality and expansion of domestic service industry?

   Ministry of Commerce:

In terms of promoting safe and convenient consumption of silver hair groups,

First, optimize the development environment of silver hair consumption. Deeply promote the construction of a quarter hour convenient living circle, encourage communities in pilot areas to carry out aging adaptation of commercial facilities, develop community canteens, expand catering services for the elderly, encourage domestic workers and nursing staff to enter the community, and improve the "temperature" of convenient services.

Second, strengthen international cooperation and promote the development of silver economy. Give full play to the platform role of the Expo, the Service Trade Fair, the Consumer Expo, etc., set up a "Healthy Elderly Care Zone" at the Expo, mobilize more of the world's top 500 and invisible champion enterprises to participate in the Expo, display and promote the cutting-edge technologies, products and services of Yinfa economy, and promote the development and technological progress of the elderly care industry. Rely on the pilot free trade zone, the comprehensive demonstration zone for expanding the opening up of the national service industry, the demonstration zone for innovative development of service trade and other carriers of opening up to the outside world, strengthen the trans regional and international cooperation of the Yinfa economy.

The third is to promote the quality and expansion of domestic service industry and strengthen development support.

In terms of promoting the improvement and expansion of domestic service industry,

First, continuously improve the policy support system of domestic service industry. The Ministry of Commerce, together with relevant departments, introduced a series of support measures such as tax incentives, training subsidies, entrepreneurship support, financial support, etc., and issued the Key Points for Promoting the Quality and Capacity Improvement of Home Economics Service Industry and the Work Plan for Promoting Home Economics and Agriculture on an annual basis.

Second, continue to promote the expansion of domestic service supply. Care of the elderly is an important job of domestic service. In recent years, the Ministry of Commerce, together with relevant departments, has taken comprehensive measures to continuously promote the poverty alleviation and agricultural development through household management for seven consecutive years, sending policies, training and posts to the countryside, and doing everything possible to attract talents and expand and optimize the supply of household services. Since October of last year, the Ministry of Commerce has organized provinces, cities and districts to carry out quarterly activities for domestic service recruitment. Through "live recruitment", a new Internet recruitment channel, it helps domestic enterprises accurately promote domestic service posts, improve recruitment efficiency and improve the supply capacity of domestic service.

Third, establish and improve the credit information system of domestic service. The Ministry of Commerce has taken the lead in establishing a national domestic service credit information platform. The mobile version is called the "domestic service credit check" APP, which can check the relevant information of domestic enterprises and domestic service attendants, and provide consumers with credit information query services. Up to now, the national homemaking credit information platform has collected more than 20000 homemaking enterprises and more than 15 million pieces of credit information of homemaking attendants, with a cumulative visit of more than 200 million times.

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