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Market research cases
 market research

market research

In China, we are your trusted industry investment and site selection consultants,
Especially in the industrial market

CIMA's top 500 enterprises in continuous research and service have exceeded nineteen year

Standard product: industrial chain research report
Service form: annual cooperation system (annual reservation, regular delivery)
Since 2000, he has been deeply engaged in industrial market research.
Focusing on new industries, new economies, new products and new technologies in the future, it produces more than 300 market investment forecast reports every year, and is a market research and consulting service provider for more than 40 Fortune Global 500 enterprises.

Product 1: Annual Top 100 Most Valuable Industries Market Assessment and Forecast Report (100 copies, updated annually)
Product 2: Research and investment forecast report on the value chain of the top 100 industries in the new economy (100 copies, updated annually)
Product 3: Tracking and industrialization research report of key common industrial technologies (involving 8 industries, 259 technologies in total)

 Industrial chain research report

Core products: B2B market research special consultation, investment site selection consultation
Service form: project entrustment system (personalized customization)
Without investigation, there is no right to speak. There is a big difference between industrial product market research and consumer products. This is also the core ability of the research company to really study in depth! CMC has 13 major categories of industrial and economic databases, and its research network covers more than 100 first level industrial organizations and node cities. The number of expert consultants has exceeded 600, helping you to understand the great changes taking place in the B2B market!

 B2B market research special consultation, investment site selection consultation

Featured product: government industry big data platform
Service form: online membership

 Collect multi-dimensional data such as key industry database, enterprise database above designated size, policy database, industrial resource database, patent database, investment database, etc., draw an industrial panorama from multiple perspectives such as industry, region, and enterprise, and carry out visual analysis to display the current situation, problems, and trends of industrial development in the whole industry chain and in all directions. Fees are charged annually.

 Overview: Based on the industrial brain platform of the Chinese Academy of Mechanical Engineering, using cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence and other new generation information technologies, explore the industrial development strategies and investment layout trends of top 500 enterprises, listed companies and multinational companies in China, accurately recommend targeted enterprises for investment attraction, and provide local governments with accurate, professional and real-time online investment attraction services, which are charged annually.

Note: The above is just a brief introduction to the business. If you want to have a deeper understanding, you can consult our experts Planning consultation
Or call the market research expert hotline: 400-666-8495 (Experts one-on-one explain in detail and provide details of market research cases done by our hospital for your reference!)
Market research cases

Business cooperation process

 Telephone communication between both parties   Preliminary telephone communication between both parties (free consultation: 400-666-8495)

 Site investigation and communication of details of the proposed project   Understand the basic situation of the project

 Project survey and issue preliminary plan   Invited by Party A, go to the project site to investigate the basic situation before the start of the project and issue a preliminary work plan

 Both parties determine the service price   Both parties determine the service price

 Reach cooperation intention and sign cooperation agreement   Reach cooperation intention and sign cooperation agreement

 project implementation   project implementation

(Field investigation, first draft writing, expert discussion, mid-term report, report modification, final draft report, project review and acceptance)

 after service   after service

(Report training, industry introduction, project application, fund application, scientist introduction, project financing, investment promotion, etc.)
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Copyright 2000-2020 China Machinery Industry City Planning and Design Institute All rights reserved Beiyuan Law Firm provides legal support
Address: Floor 5, Building 3, Area 4, Hanwei International Plaza, Headquarters Base, Fengtai District, Beijing
National free hotline: 400-666-8495
Fax: 010-51667252-666
Record No.: Jing ICP Bei 08008382-3
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