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National Development and Reform Commission: Start the preparatory work of the "15th Five Year Plan"

Source: Original Time: 2024-03-04 Click: 354
The Central Economic Work Conference has made a comprehensive and systematic deployment of the overall requirements, development goals, policy orientations and key tasks of the economic work in 2024. The development and reform system should carefully study and understand, fully implement, persist in seeking progress while maintaining stability, advance to promote stability, and establish before breaking down, and solidly do the key work of development and reform next year.

2023 From December 17 to 18, the National Development and Reform Working Conference was held in Beijing. Guided by Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the meeting thoroughly learned and understood the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and a series of important instructions at the Central Economic Work Conference, comprehensively implemented the decisions and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, sorted out and summarized the development and reform work in 2023, and arranged and deployed the key tasks of development and reform in 2024. Zheng Zhajie, Secretary and Director of the Party Leadership Group of the National Development and Reform Commission, made a work report, and members of the Party Leadership Group of the Commission attended the meeting.

The meeting pointed out that the Central Economic Work Conference made a comprehensive and systematic summary of this year's economic work, emphasizing that China's economy is generally recovering, the main expected goals of economic and social development throughout the year are expected to be successfully achieved, and solid steps have been taken to build a socialist modern country in an all-round way. The National Development and Reform Commission firmly implements the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, closely focuses on the functions of macro management and comprehensive economic coordination departments, and promotes new progress and achievements in all work.

First, focus on economic analysis and policy research. Analyze, study and judge the monthly, quarterly and annual economic situation in a down-to-earth manner, put forward policy suggestions in a timely manner according to the economic operation, continue to optimize a batch of phased policies, study and issue a batch of new measures with strong pertinence, actively plan a batch of reserve policies, do a good job in evaluating the consistency of macro policy orientation, and actively carry out economic situation publicity, policy interpretation and expected guidance.

Second, we should implement the medium - and long-term plans and annual plans. The mid-term evaluation of the implementation of the "14th Five Year Plan" was carried out in a solid manner, the preliminary work of the "15th Five Year Plan" was started, and the related goals and tasks were successfully completed through the annual plan and annual key work.

Third, we will do a good job in investment management and project construction. We will improve the efficiency of investment within the central budget, make good use of 1 trillion yuan of additional government bonds to support post disaster recovery and reconstruction and improve disaster prevention, mitigation and relief capabilities, steadily advance the construction of major projects, promote private investment through project promotion, strengthen project planning and preliminary work, and continue to play the key role of investment in optimizing the supply structure.

Fourth, we should focus on reform and innovation. Promote the reform tasks assigned by the CPC Central Committee in a high-quality manner, and intensify the reform efforts in key areas and key links. Deeply implement the "two unswervingly", formulate opinions on strengthening and improving the management of the state-owned economy, promote the introduction of policies and measures to promote the development and expansion of the private economy, establish a multi-level regular communication and exchange mechanism with private enterprises, and specifically address the demands of enterprises. Accelerate the construction of a unified national market. Deeply implement the innovation driven development strategy and comprehensively promote the construction of digital China. We worked hard to promote high-level opening up and successfully organized the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation.

Fifth, we should make comprehensive planning and balance. Overall planning for regional and urban and rural development, the regional economic layout has been more optimized, and the coordination of regional urban and rural development has been constantly enhanced. We will coordinate economic and social development, constantly strengthen people's livelihood, actively carry out ecological protection and resource conservation, and solidly promote carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. We will coordinate development and security, steadily promote national security capacity building, and consolidate the foundation for security development.

The meeting stressed that the Central Economic Work Conference made a comprehensive and systematic deployment of the overall requirements, development goals, policy orientations and key tasks of the economic work in 2024. The development and reform system should carefully study and understand, fully implement, persist in seeking progress while maintaining stability, advance to promote stability, establish before breaking, and solidly do the key work of development and reform next year.

First, we will further strengthen economic analysis and policy research to consolidate and strengthen the economic recovery trend. We will strengthen economic monitoring, forecasting, early warning and policy pre research reserves, strengthen innovation and coordination of policy tools, increase macro-control efforts, strengthen policy coordination, strengthen evaluation and supervision, and do a good job in promoting and interpreting the economic situation and policies.

Second, we will further give play to the guiding role of medium - and long-term plans and annual plans, and effectively promote the effective implementation of major national strategic plans. In combination with the mid-term assessment, we will promote the implementation of the 14th Five Year Plan, and study and put forward the basic ideas for the economic and social development of the 15th Five Year Plan. Prepare and implement the annual plan, and actively promote the major strategic annual key work such as new urbanization, rural revitalization, and regional coordinated development. Put the citizenization of agricultural transfer population in a more prominent position, promote the coordinated development of new industrialization and urbanization, build a coordinated development pattern of large, medium and small cities based on urban agglomeration and metropolitan area, and focus on solving the most urgent and prominent security and resilience problems in urban development.

The third is to further use all kinds of funds to strengthen project construction and better play the key role of effective investment. Enhance efficiency and make good use of government investment such as the additional 1 trillion national debt issued in 2023, investment within the central budget, and special bonds of local governments to support transportation infrastructure, energy, agriculture, forestry, water conservancy, regional coordinated development, social undertakings, modern industrial system, key core technology tackling, new infrastructure, energy conservation, emission reduction, carbon reduction, post disaster recovery and reconstruction, and improve disaster prevention, mitigation and relief capabilities We will further improve the accuracy and effectiveness of investment in areas such as security capacity building. We will make greater efforts to stimulate private investment, establish a push mechanism for normalized projects in key industries, promote the implementation of a new mechanism for cooperation between the government and social capital, and encourage more private capital to participate in the construction of major national engineering projects and projects to address weaknesses. Strengthen project planning and reserve, and continuously reserve a batch of high-quality projects that are both beneficial to the present and the future at different levels and in different fields. At the same time, we should better coordinate consumption and investment, promote the continuous expansion of consumption, foster more new forms of consumption and new hot spots, and form a virtuous circle of mutual promotion between consumption and investment.

Fourth, further comprehensively deepen reform, strengthen innovation drive, and continue to stimulate the vitality of economic development. We will resolutely implement the "two unswervingly" policy, promote the coordinated development of enterprises of all types of ownership, and focus on the key areas and key links of "pulling the trigger and moving the whole body" to advance reform. We will speed up the construction of a unified national market, optimize the industrial layout, implement actions to improve the business environment, and address outstanding problems in the field of investment promotion. Promote the development and growth of private economy, drop the requirement of equal treatment of state-owned enterprises and private enterprises from the system and law, create a good environment to encourage and support the development of private economy from the policy and public opinion, and coordinate and solve the problems restricting the development of private economy from individual cases and as a whole. We will build a new system of a higher level of open economy, continue to promote the implementation of the results of the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, and consolidate the base of foreign trade and foreign investment. We will accelerate the transformation of new and old drivers, deepen the implementation of the national strategic emerging industry cluster development project, foster and strengthen future industries, promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, vigorously develop the digital economy, and lead the construction of a modern industrial system with scientific and technological innovation.

Fifth, further strengthen comprehensive planning and balance, promote high-quality development and high-level security, and achieve new results in promoting carbon reduction, pollution reduction and green growth. We will strengthen security in food, energy resources, industrial chain supply chain, data and other fields. Improve people's wellbeing in high-quality development, and continue to consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation. Strengthen resource conservation, intensive recycling and efficient utilization, actively and steadily promote carbon peak and carbon neutrality, do a good job in dual control of energy consumption, accelerate energy-saving transformation, expand renewable energy consumption, and promote the gradual transformation from "dual control" of energy consumption to "dual control" of carbon emissions.

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