Why carbon neutrality? What are the investment directions in the important race track of carbon neutrality - the planning network of the industrial park of the Chinese Academy of Mechanical Engineering
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Why carbon neutrality? What are the investment directions in the important carbon neutral track

Source: China Machine Research Institute Time: 2021-11-04 Click: 1344
The important tracks of carbon neutrality include: photovoltaic, hydropower, wind power, hydrogen energy, controllable nuclear fusion, ultra-high voltage, energy storage, new energy vehicles and many other sub tracks. From the perspective of capital market performance, new energy vehicles, photovoltaic, ultra-high voltage are more popular.

China plans to set the target date of 2030“ Carbon peak”, That is to say, the carbon emissions reached the peak in this year; In 2060, it will reach“ Carbon Neutralization”, That is to say, the carbon dioxide emissions from China's land need to be offset by afforestation, energy conservation and emission reduction, and ultimately achieve zero carbon dioxide emissions. In order to achieve this, we need to do a lot of clean energy and green industry to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. At the same time, we need to do more greening to absorb carbon dioxide.
Why carbon neutrality
To understand why China wants to be carbon neutral, we need to understand the essence of carbon neutrality. Carbon neutrality literally means that the carbon dioxide we emit should be absorbed by ourselves, but in fact, the essence of carbon neutrality is new technology, including new energy and new materials&hellip& hellip; Even a new industrial revolution.
In the era of coal energy, Britain invented the steam engine, so the first industrial revolution took place in Britain, and Britain became the empire that never set.
Oil and electricity are the sources of coal energy. The United States became a country on wheels after the discovery of a large amount of oil in the country, and created the legends of Rockefeller and Ford. Moreover, even the initial oil exploration and development of Saudi Arabia, which is now rich in oil, was also carried out by the United States.
Everyone knows the story of Edison's invention of the light bulb when the United States engaged in electric energy. Oil and electric energy led to the outbreak of the second industrial revolution in the United States, and the United States overtook Britain to become the world's largest power.
As can be seen from the example of the United States surpassing the United Kingdom, it is almost impossible for you to surpass the original competitors on the original track, but it is easy to surpass the competitors on the original track by changing the new track and making a new technological revolution.
The next thing for China to do is to choose a direction to change the track, and work hard to lead other countries in the world.
If China's carbon neutrality this time can enable a new industrial revolution to take place in China, the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will go further.
 Carbon neutral important track, carbon neutral investment direction
Important track of carbon neutrality
In the long run, carbon neutrality has become a trend in the future. Because energy itself is a big thing. With the advancement of this matter, a lot of great companies will be born on the basis of the present.
  “ Carbon Neutralization” It is a concept, and specific to the industry, there will be sub tracks. Now let's talk about some important subdivision tracks of carbon neutrality.
First, photovoltaic and new energy vehicles. After the financial crisis in 2008, China began to focus on photovoltaic and new energy vehicles. The benefits of photovoltaic power are at the upstream energy supply end, while new energy vehicles are at the downstream energy application end.
From the upstream supply end to the downstream application, there are also“ UHV”. The combination of the three just forms a closed loop: photovoltaic is responsible for energy production, ultra-high voltage is responsible for transportation, and new energy vehicles are responsible for consumption.
At the upstream production end, in addition to photovoltaic, hydropower, wind power and controllable nuclear fusion are also important.
The transportation end of the midstream also includes energy storage technology.
At the same time, hydrogen energy is also a part of carbon neutrality. According to the White Paper on China's Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cell Industry, hydrogen energy will become an important part of China's future energy system. It is estimated that by 2050, hydrogen energy will account for about 10% of China's energy system, the demand for hydrogen will be close to 60 million tons, and the annual economic output will exceed 10 trillion yuan.
To complete the above energy innovation, the progress of new material technology also needs to be promoted simultaneously.
To sum up, we can see that, The important tracks of carbon neutrality include: photovoltaic, hydropower, wind power, hydrogen energy, controllable nuclear fusion, ultra-high voltage, energy storage, new energy vehicles and many other sub tracks. From the perspective of capital market performance, new energy vehicles, photovoltaic, ultra-high voltage are more popular.
In short, carbon neutrality will directly or indirectly affect the lives of countless people in the future. In the next few decades, carbon neutrality will give birth to more new technologies and ideas, which will gradually reshape the pattern of the world and our ordinary lives.

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