Regulatory Detailed Planning of Wujiagang Industrial Park in Yichang City - Planning Network of Industrial Park of China Academy of Mechanical Engineering
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 Regulatory Detailed Planning of Wujiagang Industrial Park, Yichang City home page > Planning achievements > Urban and rural planning Regulatory Detailed Planning of Wujiagang Industrial Park, Yichang City

Regulatory Detailed Planning of Wujiagang Industrial Park, Yichang City

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Expand the scale of the park by expanding opening up and vigorously attracting investment, and build Wujiagang Industrial Park into an industrial support base for the center of Wujia New Town and an important growth pole of regional economy; Take the road of new industrialization

Project Background
        Section I Review of Park Development
Wujiagang Industrial Park, formerly known as the Three Gorges Migrants Private Science and Technology Park, was jointly initiated by Yichang Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Yichang Municipal Immigration Bureau and Wujiagang District People's Government in 1997. It was officially established in 1998. In 1999, the Provincial Science and Technology Commission approved to list the Three Gorges Civil Science and Technology Park as the first provincial private science and technology park with the document Ekezheng [1999] No. 3. In 2000, the Yichang Municipal People's Government established the“ Three Gorges Migrants Private Science Park Coordination Leading Group”, Coordinate and solve the difficulties and problems in the development and construction of the Three Gorges Civil Science Park and investment attraction, and set up the Civil Science Park Management Committee for standardized operation. In 2002, the Provincial Administration of Township Enterprises, the Provincial Department of Construction, and the Provincial Department of Land and Resources confirmed the Three Gorges Civil Science Park as the first batch of key rural industrial parks in the province with Eqiqizhizi [2002] No. 46 document, and in October of the same year, it was identified as six key contact industrial parks in the province. In April 2006, the National Development and Reform Commission approved the Three Gorges Civil Science Park to be renamed as Hubei Wujiagang Industrial Park, which is clearly a provincial development park.
        Section II Urban expansion brings opportunities for the development of the park
The new urban master plan regards Wujiagang as Yichang City“ Double Centers” One, and determine the city's leading development direction to the east, providing a golden opportunity for the development of Wujiagang Industrial Park. Wujiagang is the old industrial base of Yichang City. In the process of expanding the city to the east, the urban land use and functions are facing structural adjustment. At this time, the Wujiagang District Party Committee and the District Government put forward the idea of starting from the“ Old industrial base” To“ New Industrial Zone” The regional development strategy of the Park provides policy opportunities for the development of the Park. With the completion of the whole line of Yanjiang Avenue, key projects such as Chengdong Avenue, Yichang Wanzhou Railway, Yichang East Railway Station and Yichang City“ Strong Industry&rdquo& ldquo; Breakthrough along the river” With the gradual implementation of the strategy, the park ushered in a golden period of great opening, development and development.
      Section III The need of park development and planning management
In order to guide the development and construction of the park, the Municipal Planning Bureau entrusted the former Yichang City Urban Design Office to prepare the Regulatory Detailed Plan of Hubei Three Gorges Migrants Private Science Park in 2004, which effectively promoted the development and construction of the park and promoted the healthy and orderly development of the park. However, with the gradual implementation of the new urban master plan and the promotion of the park's status and expansion of its territory, the plan can no longer meet the future development needs of the park, so it is necessary to prepare corresponding regulatory detailed plans to guide the urban construction in this area.
Based on the above background conditions, the Municipal Planning Bureau started the preparation of the Regulatory Detailed Planning of Wujiagang Industrial Park in Yichang City in a timely manner.

Project idea
1. Based on the overall urban planning and under the guidance of the zoning planning, implement, deepen and refine the planning requirements, improve the urban functions, and promote the healthy and orderly development of Wujiagang Industrial Park.
2. Guided by the Scientific Outlook on Development, adhere to“ To drive industrialization with informatization, and to promote informatization with industrialization, and to find a way that has high scientific and technological content, good economic benefits, low resource consumption, less environmental pollution, and the advantages of human resources are given full play” The road to new industrialization.
3. Insist on“ Cherish and save land” To reasonably determine the scale and development intensity of construction land; Optimize the allocation of spatial resources, improve the efficiency of land use, and use land economically and intensively.
4. Adhere to the people-oriented principle, improve and improve the quality of urban environment, establish a good production and living environment, and make the planning area step into a healthy track of sustainable development.
5. Focusing on the construction of the road traffic system in the park, we will strengthen the planning and construction of public service facilities and municipal infrastructure, and consolidate and strengthen the development foundation of the park.

Project effect
Rely on the existing electromechanical instrument, light industry and textile, machinery manufacturing and other advantageous industries in the park, and rely on scientific and technological progress and technological innovation to enhance the overall competitiveness of enterprises; Strengthen the carrier function of the park by improving the construction of the soft and hard environment of the park, expand the scale of the park by expanding the opening to the outside world and vigorously attracting investment, and build Wujiagang Industrial Park into an industrial support base for the center of Wujia New Town and an important growth pole of regional economy; Take the road of new industrialization development, increase energy conservation and emission reduction, actively promote cleaner production, and build Wujiagang Industrial Park into a new industrial demonstration park with reasonable layout, complete functions and complete facilities.
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