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Mianyang Chemical and Environmental Protection Industry Planning

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By 2015, enterprises above designated size in the environmental protection industry will achieve a sales value of 10 billion yuan, including 3.5 billion yuan of environmental protection equipment and products, 3 billion yuan of waste comprehensive utilization, 3 billion yuan of environmental protection governance and operation, and 500 million yuan of environmental services.

Project Background
(1) Development status of chemical industry and environmental protection industry in the city
1. The total output value has increased year by year, but the overall scale is small, accounting for a low proportion of the city's total economic output
        2. Early development, gathering a group of advantageous enterprises and core key technologies
        3. Civil military integration has been deepened, and innovation capability has been enhanced
4. The R&D capability is gradually improved and the innovation system is forming
5. The ability of comprehensive utilization of resources and sustainable development continues to increase
(2) Main problems
        1. The industrial scale is small, and there is no cluster advantage.
        2. The self-sufficiency of raw materials is poor, the industrial chain is short, and the local supporting capacity is weak.
        3. The potential of civil military integration and industry university research cooperation has not been fully realized.
        4. The construction of the industrial concentration zone is lagging behind, and the existing supporting environment of the park needs to be improved.
(3) Situation and opportunity faced by chemical industry and environmental protection industry
During the 12th Five Year Plan or a longer period in the future, China's petroleum and chemical industries will maintain a sustained and stable growth, facing many favorable conditions and rare opportunities as well as severe challenges.
Project idea
——Optimize the industrial structure, activate the stock, and promote the transfer and extension of the focus of the industrial chain. We will intensify technological innovation and product development, optimize the industrial, product and technological structure, and strive to improve the core competitiveness of the industry. Based on the existing enterprises and industrial scale, strive to promote their transfer to the position with strong profitability in the industrial chain; Promote the localization of raw material supply and equipment matching in the direction of building an industrial coupling system.
——Promote industrial agglomeration and promote intensive and large-scale development. Give full play to the gathering and radiating role of characteristic parks and industrial bases, focus on supporting large enterprises and groups, cultivate leading enterprises, form a group of competitive enterprises and industrial clusters, and achieve economies of scale by expanding the size of enterprises.
——We will promote civil military integration, and foster and strengthen emerging industries with characteristics. Taking advantage of the brand advantage of building a science and technology city, we will give full play to the advantages of technology, talents and equipment of local and surrounding national defense scientific research institutions, military enterprises and colleges and universities, build a dual-use technological innovation system, vigorously improve the original innovation ability, integrated innovation ability, and the ability to introduce, digest, absorb, and innovate, and promote the transfer of scientific and technological resources and innovation ability of national defense and military industry to the civil industry, Cultivate and expand the emerging chemical industry, environmental protection industry and unique national defense and military industry supporting industry.
——Do a good job of regional coordination layout to form advantages and characteristics. Proceeding from reality, we should plan the industrial development direction, key points and industrial guidance policies, adhere to the market-oriented orientation of resource allocation, vigorously cultivate characteristic industries, and gradually form a regional development pattern with advantages and distinctive features.
——Increase investment attraction, develop increment, undertake industrial transfer and realize leapfrog development. Firmly implement the strategy of going global, strive to attract domestic and foreign large industrial capital to participate in the merger and reorganization of local enterprises, and make related industries bigger and stronger. Create a good policy environment, focus on introducing large-scale investment projects, accelerate industrial scale expansion, and achieve leapfrog development.
Project objectives
1. Economic aggregate target and annual target.
        Chemical industry By 2012, enterprises above the designated size in the chemical industry will have achieved a sales value of 10 billion yuan, with the output of main products reaching 350000 tons of synthetic ammonia, 500000 tons of urea, 300000 tons of high-efficiency compound fertilizer, 200000 tons of chromium salt products, 350000 tons of yellow phosphorus and phosphate products, 200000 tons of oil sand oil, 150000 tons of methanol and downstream products, 10000 tons of pesticide raw drugs and preparations 30000 tons of fatty acid products.
By 2015, enterprises above the designated size in the chemical industry will achieve a sales value of 15 billion yuan, 400000 tons of synthetic ammonia, 600000 tons of urea, 350000 tons of high-efficiency compound fertilizer, 250000 tons of chromium salt products, 400000 tons of yellow phosphorus and phosphate products, 500000 tons of oil sand oil, 200000 tons of methanol and downstream products, 15000 tons of pesticide raw drugs and preparations, and 35000 tons of fatty acid products.        
         Environmental protection industry By 2012, enterprises above designated size in the environmental protection industry will have achieved a sales value of 5 billion yuan, including 1.5 billion yuan of environmental protection equipment and products, 2 billion yuan of waste comprehensive utilization, and 1.5 billion yuan of environmental protection treatment and operation.
By 2015, enterprises above designated size in the environmental protection industry will achieve a sales value of 10 billion yuan, including 3.5 billion yuan of environmental protection equipment and products, 3 billion yuan of waste comprehensive utilization, 3 billion yuan of environmental protection governance and operation, and 500 million yuan of environmental services.
2. The industrial concentration has significantly improved. Concentrate on the development of large-scale chemical and environmental protection enterprises, and strive to form 1 enterprise with annual sales of 5 billion yuan, 3 enterprises with annual sales of 3 billion yuan, and 5 enterprises with annual sales of more than 1 billion yuan in 2015.
3. Technological progress has achieved remarkable results. The contribution rate of technological progress to industrial development has reached more than 60%. The overall technology and equipment level of the chemical environmental protection industry has reached the international advanced level. Two new national enterprise technology centers and engineering technology research centers have been established, and more than three provincial enterprise technology centers have been established. The technology R&D funds of large and medium-sized enterprises account for more than 2.5% of sales.
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