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 Big data industry

Big data industry planning

 Big Data Industry Planning Company 1. A widely recognized definition comes from McKinsey, a management consulting company
Big data refers to data sets that exceed the collection, storage, management and analysis capabilities of typical database software tools

2. The definition of big data industry in the State Council's Action Plan for Promoting Big Data Development
The big data industry is a new generation of information technology and service industry that collects, stores and analyzes data in a large number, scattered sources and diverse formats to discover new knowledge, create new value and improve new capabilities.

3. "Having a lot of data" is not the essence of big data. Big data has two key characteristics
The data to be processed exceeds the processing capacity of common hardware and software environments, and the distributed processing, column storage and other processing methods are required

Big data industry scale:

The application value of big data in the seven key areas of the world (including education, transportation, consumption, electricity, energy, general health and finance) is expected to be between 3220 billion and 5390 billion dollars.

The potential value of big data application in the world's seven key fields Revenue scale and growth rate of China's big data industry from 2011 to 2018
 The potential value of big data application in the world's seven key fields Revenue scale and growth rate of China's big data industry from 2011 to 2018

Review of important policies of big data industry:
 Review of important policies of big data industry
Strategic significance of developing big data industry at the government level:
        1. Big data becomes a new driving force for economic transformation and development
        Big data has changed the traditional production mode and economic operation mechanism, which can significantly improve the level and efficiency of economic operation. Big data continues to stimulate business model innovation, and constantly promotes new business formats. It has become an important driving force for the Internet and other emerging fields to promote business innovation and value-added, and enhance the core value of enterprises. Big data industry is becoming a new economic growth point, which will have an important impact on the future information industry pattern.
        2. Big data becomes a new opportunity to reshape national competitive advantage
        In the context of the rapid development of global informatization, big data has become an important basic strategic resource of the country and is leading a new round of scientific and technological innovation. Make full use of China's data scale advantage, realize the synchronous improvement of data scale, quality and application level, and explore and release the potential value of data resources, which is conducive to better playing the strategic role of data resources.
        3. Big data becomes a new way to improve government governance
        Big data application can reveal the relationship that is difficult to show in traditional technology, promote the open sharing of government data, promote the data integration and resource integration of social undertakings, which will greatly improve the overall data analysis ability of the government, provide new means to effectively deal with complex social problems, and establish "speak with data, make decisions with data, manage with data, and innovate with data" To realize scientific decision-making based on data.

The business value of developing big data operation at the enterprise level:
 Business value of developing big data operation at the enterprise level
Five ways to use "big data"

        ● Provide users with "big data" in a more timely manner. In the public domain, providing "big data" across departments can significantly reduce retrieval and processing time. In the manufacturing industry, the integration of data from R&D, engineering, and manufacturing units can achieve concurrent engineering and shorten the time to market.

        ● Data analysis and experiments are carried out to find changing factors and improve product performance. As more and more transaction data exist in digital form, institutions can collect more accurate and detailed data about products or users.

        ● Differentiate user groups and provide personalized services. "Big data" can help institutions differentiate user groups in a more detailed way, and provide more personalized services for different needs of users. This is a common method in marketing and crisis management, but it can also bring changes to the public sphere.

        ● Use automated algorithms to support or replace manual decision-making. Complex analysis can greatly improve the decision-making effect, reduce risks, and mine valuable information that cannot be found by other methods. Such complex analysis can be used by tax authorities, retailers, etc.

        ● Business model, product and service innovation. Manufacturers are using the data obtained during the use of products to improve the development of next-generation products and provide innovative after-sales services. The rise of real-time location data has brought a series of location-based mobile services, such as navigation and person tracking.

We are committed to:

    Originating from B2B competitive intelligence monitoring, the development of CAAMS is stronger than research and consultation, and it is famous for the dissemination of planning ideas. In the big data sector, the Chinese Academy of Engineering has integrated 13 categories of domestic official statistical data and more than 40 well-known foreign government big data, industrial park big data, and industrial economic databases, forming two major product lines of government big data and park big data, serving customers in public utilities, consumption, finance, industry, medical care, and other fields for nearly a decade.

● Big data regional development planning ● Big data industrial park development planning
● Investment promotion planning of big data industry ● Investment promotion agency of big data industry
● Operation system design of big data industrial park ● big data development planning

Big data industry and industrial park planning cases
Big Data Development Plan of Guiyang National High tech Zone
Big Data Industry Planning of Qingdao West Coast New Area
Chengde Green Big Data Industry Planning
Sanya Haitang Bay Health Care Big Data Development Plan
Planning and Design of Heze Inland Port Free Trade Big Data Industrial Park
Haier International Information Valley Development Plan

Note: The above is just a brief introduction to the business. If you want to have a deeper understanding, you can consult our experts Planning consultation
Or call the big data industry planning expert hotline: 400-666-8495 (Experts one-on-one explain in detail and provide details of big data industry planning cases that our hospital has done for your reference!)

Why choose us?
 Advantages of big data industry consultation of the Chinese Academy of Mechanical Engineering
Data available: CAAC originated from information monitoring and has 13 kinds of authoritative industrial and economic databases
Our hospital has 13 kinds of authoritative industrial and economic databases. Every year, about 300 market response plans, decision-making internal references, industrial early warning and special research reports are provided to the government and enterprises.
Understand industry: with more than ten years of industry research experience, it is an information supplier for many top 500 enterprises.
Good planning: more than 500 classic cases of big data industry, and proposed a full chain service model for [6+1] regional economic development planning!
The [6+1] consulting mode is an integrated consulting service system formed by the organic integration of six contents of strategic consulting - industrial planning - spatial planning - investment promotion planning - project stability evaluation - project feasibility study. Policy consulting and overall planning run through.
Investment invitation: The big data of the industrial park has been established, And the ability of industry investment attraction, industry introduction and operation consultant is outstanding , close offline resources, a large number of site selection experience, and successful investment cases.
Focusing on practical results: with a solid backing of experts, the model of "CAAC+experts" ensures outstanding consulting effectiveness
CAAMS has accumulated more than 40 industries, with more than 300 well-known experts focusing on industrial economy, regional economy and technological economy. The mode of "Chinese Academy of Engineering+industrial experts+regional economic experts+ministerial experts" provides strong technical support for business such as enterprise strategy, regional strategy, industrial planning, spatial planning, project design, etc.

Business cooperation process

 Telephone communication between both parties   Preliminary telephone communication between both parties (free consultation: 400-666-8495)

 Site investigation and communication of details of the proposed project   Understand the basic situation of the project

 Project survey and issue preliminary plan   Invited by Party A, go to the project site to investigate the basic situation before the start of the project and issue a preliminary work plan

 Both parties determine the service price   Both parties determine the service price

 Reach cooperation intention and sign cooperation agreement   Reach cooperation intention and sign cooperation agreement

 project implementation   project implementation

(Field investigation, first draft writing, expert discussion, mid-term report, report modification, final draft report, project review and acceptance)

 after service   after service

(Report training, industry introduction, project application, fund application, scientist introduction, project financing, investment promotion, etc.)

Research and report on big data industry development
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Record No.: Jing ICP Bei 08008382-3
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