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Product display Investment promotion policy

Product display


whole Hot Pot Primer Fish seasoning Crayfish Sauce Gift series

Square Mandarin Duck Hot Pot Primer

Soup Hot Pot Primer 300g

Beef Butter Hot Pot Primer 170g

Clear Oil Hot Pot Primer 170g

Handmade hotpot base

Investment promotion policy


Agency requirements

People in the industry and companies and self-employed businesses officially registered with industry and commerce have good business reputation

With advanced business philosophy and practical experience in food marketing

Good ability to open up markets, perfect terminal network and circulation network

Have certain financial strength and distribution ability

Support policies

Strict regional protection, only one agent is set in each region, and it is strictly prohibited to mix goods

Price protection, selling according to the price channel designed by the company to ensure the interests of dealers

Personnel support, the company sends salesmen to help agents develop and maintain the market, and implements tracking services

Promotional support, terminal marketing products, and the company will carry out various forms of promotional activities from time to time

Brand support, timely advertising activities, media publicity in combination with promotional activities to expand popularity

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