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Shanxi Datong Chuanchuanxiang Franchise Store has opened, and the foodies seize the opportunity!

Published on: August 29, 2018

For food, nothing is more important than delicious food. As long as there are special foods, they can always attract food from all over the country. As a local characteristic snack in Chengdu, Chuanchuanxiang is not only famous in Bashu, but also has loyal fans everywhere. But there are so many franchise stores of Chuanchuanxiang in the market, where can food lovers get authentic Chuanchuanxiang?

Attention, foodies. Now you can enjoy authentic Chuanchuanxiang without going to Chengdu. Chengdu Laoma Chuanchuanxiang joined the brand in Datong, Shanxi, to bring authentic and delicious Chuanchuanxiang to consumers to meet your taste buds' needs. The store has been opened. What are you waiting for?

Store environment

 Chuanchuanxiang Franchise

 Chuanchuanxiang Franchise

 Chuanchuanxiang Franchise

 Chuanchuanxiang Franchise

The shop is clean and tidy, which makes people feel good! Full marks!

 Chuanchuanxiang Franchise

 Chuanchuanxiang Franchise

Customers come in an endless stream, and the scene is very hot!

Shuwei Tianjiao Shanxi Datong Chuanchuanxiang Franchise Store has multiple discounts when it opens. Please come to the store for details. Welcome!

Reservation telephone: 5568377

Address: 5-12 shops outside the west of Sun City, Datong

Previous: Chengdu Gaoshengqiao Maocai Franchise Store opened on September 10 Next: Rongcheng Laoma Maocai Jiuxi Plaza Store has been grandly opened! The scene is hot!


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