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Hot pot bottom material processing factory welcomes cooperation

Published on: April 27, 2023

In recent years, with the continuous development of China's economy and the continuous improvement of consumption level, the hot pot catering industry has also been developing rapidly. As a new business model, hot pot bottom material processing has been favored by many catering enterprises.

The substitute processing of hot pot ingredients refers to the process and flow of producing and processing hot pot ingredients through professional and standardized management, and on the basis of ensuring food quality and safety, the finished products are processed and sold to catering enterprises for use. The emergence of this business model, on the one hand, has shortened the time and labor costs of the catering industry in the process of material selection, cooking, extraction, etc., on the other hand, it has also reduced the risk of enterprises, and improved the brand awareness and market competitiveness of products.

Here, we introduce Rongcheng Laoma, an excellent hot pot seasoning processing enterprise. Rongcheng Laoma Hot Pot Base Processing takes stability, efficiency and quality as its product characteristics. The product processing flow adopts standardized and standardized production, and strictly complies with the relevant national standards. The company's hotpot base series products have fresh and mellow taste, and are popular with consumers and catering customers.

The company's hotpot primer product series also has a variety of flavors to choose from, with delicious taste and unique flavor, which can be customized according to different needs of customers. At the same time, the top R&D team of Chengdu Laoma provides technical support and R&D formula for co processing customers, better helps catering enterprises to improve product quality, reduce enterprise costs, and enable enterprises to focus more on marketing and promotion business. Rongcheng Laoma has always adhered to the business philosophy of win-win cooperation, focused on customer needs, maintained long-term cooperation through continuous technological innovation and the pursuit of excellent product quality and service, and become a long-term partner of many well-known catering enterprises.

In a word, the current hot pot bottom material processing can not only ensure food quality and safety, It can also enhance the brand awareness and market competitiveness of products, improve efficiency and reduce costs, which is in line with the current trend of economic development. Rongcheng Mom looks forward to working with you for common development and win-win cooperation.

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