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What are the advantages of using prefabricated dishes in catering stores

Published on: March 25, 2023

Prefabricated dishes refer to semi-finished food made based on the cooking, seasoning, vacuum packaging and other processes of fresh ingredients during food processing. It has the following advantages:

1. Saving cooking time: The cooking, seasoning and processing of the prepared dishes have been completed, and they can be eaten only by heating according to the instructions on the food package, which greatly shortens the cooking time.

2. Convenient and fast: because the prefabricated dishes are metered and packaged, there is no need to distribute and mix them when using, which greatly improves the convenience and efficiency of use.

3. Delicious taste: The prepared dishes are cooked with raw and fresh ingredients and seasoned scientifically, so that the ingredients can give better play to the delicious taste.

4. Balanced nutrition: The prepared dishes are made of natural ingredients, rich in nutrients, and can meet various needs of the human body.

5. Convenient to carry: prefabricated dishes are usually packaged in bags or cans, which can be easily carried and heated, and have become a common food for industry workers and office workers.

It should be noted that when purchasing prepared dishes, you should choose the products that are regular and guaranteed by the manufacturer to avoid hygiene problems and unreasonable additives, so as to ensure food safety and nutrition balance.

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