Exquisite ceramics decorate a better life to meet the needs of all sectors of society

2019/7/30 17:21:00 Source: Global Architecture Exhibition Network

Introduction: Organized by the China Ceramic Industry Association, the 2019 China (Beijing) International Fine Ceramics Exhibition and the 7th China Ceramic Culture, Art and Creative Design Exhibition will be held in Beijing China International Exhibition Center from August 2-5, 2019.

Organized by the China Ceramic Industry Association, the 2019 China (Beijing) International Fine Ceramics Exhibition and the 7th China Ceramic Culture, Art and Creative Design Exhibition will be held at Beijing China International Exhibition Center from August 2-5, 2019. The theme of this exhibition is "exquisite ceramics decorate a better life and meet the needs of all sectors of society", which aims to meet the different needs of people in the new era through the special customized services of enterprise ceramics launched at the exhibition.


In the new era and new consumption trend, China's ceramic industry presents a situation of new business forms, innovative development and marketing reform. The public's beautiful market demand is still not satisfied by high-quality production to a certain extent. The convening of this ceramic exhibition is to promote a number of free customized decorative ceramics, art ceramics and home life ceramics, It is in line with the people's expectations for the uniqueness and high quality of ceramics, and it is used to promote an artistic lifestyle of "ceramics decorate a better life", advocate the art of life, art of life, constantly improve the level of production and service, and meet the needs of all sectors of society.


The slogan of this ceramic exhibition is "Hello, hello, everyone, sharing and win-win", which aims to promote the special special regional ceramic culture and new product press release and promotion held by the governments of ceramic production areas through live broadcast of sales activities on the new media online, and build an innovative development, win-win cooperation, and international professional exhibition and trading platform. At that time, celebrities and ceramic collectors from all walks of life at home and abroad will visit the exhibition in a special session, and buyers, collectors and ceramic enterprises and artists will have a docking and negotiation activity to help China's ceramics move towards personalization, customization and high-end.


The rise of customized ceramic business activities will help promote the transformation and upgrading of the ceramic industry, enter a new era of high-quality development, enhance the overall brand image of domestic ceramics and artistic ceramics, promote the unique ceramic culture of each porcelain producing area, and promote the spirit of ceramic craftsmen in big countries. At the same time, it is also a rare An excellent opportunity to show and spread Chinese ceramic culture to the world.

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