Attract Taiwanese talents to innovate and start businesses

2024-06-14 09:23 Putian

The reporter of Putian Online News learned yesterday that Xiuyu District has actively built a platform to attract talents, implemented policies to support entrepreneurship, innovated financial services, attracted Taiwanese talents to come to Putian for innovation and entrepreneurship, and contributed to the integration and development of the two sides of the Taiwan Straits.

Since last year, the district has integrated resources, built a youth entrepreneurship and employment base in Taiwan, and jointly built community universities across the Taiwan Straits to drive more Taiwanese talents and young people to participate. At present, 54 district level internship bases have been set up, providing more than 1000 internship positions, and attracting 37 young Taiwanese to start businesses and work in Xiuyu.

The district improved the green channel handling mechanism for Taiwan compatriots through the promotion of Taiwan preferential policies and Taiwan talent assessment, implemented priority handling, special assistance, parallel approval, guided and encouraged Taiwan enterprises to innovate independently, transform and upgrade, and assisted in applying for science and technology projects. At present, three Taiwanese enterprises have been assisted to win the municipal "white list industrial enterprises". Focusing on precise services, we released eight action measures to serve Taiwan enterprises and Taiwanese people, established the first industrial fund of 158 million yuan at the county and district levels in our city, and helped six Taiwan talent innovation incubations and the landing and transformation of scientific and technological achievements. (Full media reporter Li Xia)