"Putian Shoes · Huayue" Appears in the Chinese Brand Cheer up Health Run

2024-05-13 09:04 Xinhua News Agency

On May 11, the "Red Xifeng Chinese Brand Cheer Health Run @ Deqing Station", which is supported by sports shoes and clothing provided by "Putian Shoes · Huayue", fired its gun during the 2023 World Brand Moganshan Conference. Runners from enterprises, scientific research institutes, government departments and other units selected for the National Brand Project of Xinhua News Agency, along the path of Deqing International Convention Center Square, under the name of "fitness, brand brightness, and style exhibition", have branded the city with their feet, and passed the positive energy of healthy China with sports spirit.

At the event site, several guests stopped at the "Putian Shoes · Huayue" booth to learn more about "Putian Shoes" and the unique functions of "Huayue" shoes. "As an independent shoe enterprise brand rooted in Putian, we have set the concept of taking scientific research and innovation as the driving force of the brand and excellent quality as the cornerstone of development since its inception." Yu Jianhui, general manager of Huayue Science and Technology Innovation, said in an interview that Huayue Science and Technology Innovation attaches importance to the protection of athletes' feet. "We insist on letting consumers wear a pair of healthy shoes with outstanding performance, excellent quality and good protection. We have made great efforts in the heel, arch support, anti slip soles, ankle stability and other aspects of athletes."

It is understood that Huayue Science and Technology Innovation has a strong scientific research team, and has carried out strategic cooperation with many colleges and universities inside and outside the province. It has invested a lot of research and development efforts in the appearance, structure, materials and other aspects of shoes, and has made a series of patent achievements. Recently, Huayue Science and Technology Innovation signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Liming Vocational University to introduce five footwear technology patents at a time, including one invention patent and four utility model patents, involving research fields such as soles and insoles, so as to inject "scientific and technological power" into the high-quality development of Putian footwear industry.

Putian City, Fujian Province is one of the main production areas and important export bases of Chinese footwear products. In recent years, Putian has created the collective trademark of "Putian Shoes", which aims to integrate the industrial supply chain, enhance innovation ability, improve brand quality, build the brand ecosystem of "Putian Shoes" guided by the government, led by the market, and linked in many ways, so that "Putian Shoes" can move from the mode of OEM to the path of creating its own brand.

"The establishment and promotion of the public brand of 'Putian Shoes' has promoted the image of Putian City. At the same time, the public brand of' Putian Shoes' can enable the shaping and development of the independent brand of Putian shoe enterprises, which helps to enhance the brand's popularity and influence," Yu Jianhui said.

It is reported that the 2023 World Brand Moganshan Conference, with the theme of "dialogue with the world to create a better world", was held in Deqing, Zhejiang Province from October 10 to 12. Cheer up and run healthy with Chinese brand is one of the series activities of the conference. The conference was hosted by Xinhua News Agency, China Brand Building Promotion Association and Zhejiang Provincial People's Government.

Yang Chen Wang Zhao

According to Xinhua News Agency client