Deepen the integration of agriculture in Sendai, create parks in Xianyoutai, take multiple measures to serve Taiwan enterprises

2024-06-13 10:11 Putian News

On May 31, the People's Mediation Committee of Xianyou Taichuang Park was officially inaugurated, which is the first people's mediation committee for Taiwan related disputes in Putian City, providing more protection for the legitimate rights and interests of Taiwan based enterprises in Taichuang Park. On the same day, 8 mediators were also awarded letters of appointment.

Zheng Zhengrong, Director of the Management Committee of Xianyoutai Pioneer Park, introduced that the People's Mediation Committee of Xianyoutai Pioneer Park will adhere to the concept of "one family on both sides of the Taiwan Straits", focus on promoting the source mediation of Taiwan related disputes, actively organize mediators, especially give play to the expertise of Taiwanese mediators and the advantages of homophony with fellow villagers, actively participate in dispute mediation, and summarize mediation experience, In order to resolve Taiwan related disputes in a timely and efficient manner in accordance with the law for Taiwan compatriots and Taiwan enterprises who start businesses and work in Xianyoutai Innovation Park, guide the parties to resolve various Taiwan related conflicts and disputes through non litigation means and non litigation procedures, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of all parties to the dispute.

Chen Langdong, the director of the justice bureau of the county, said that the people's mediation committee of Xianyoutai Pioneer Park will serve Taiwanese enterprises precisely by deepening the diversification of Taiwan related disputes, and highlight the article of "serving Taiwanese enterprises with Taiwanese people", which is of great significance for exploring the integrated development of both sides of the Taiwan Straits, implementing Taiwan friendly policies carefully, and continuously optimizing the business environment.

In recent years, Xianyou County has taken the opportunity of building a demonstration base for the integrated development of Fujian and Taiwan agriculture in the whole province to actively explore the integrated development of Xianyou County, carefully implement the preferential policies for Taiwan, continue to optimize the investment environment, deepen agricultural cooperation with Taiwan, and serve Taiwan enterprises. In particular, the Xianyoutai Innovation Park Management Committee vigorously promoted the implementation of various Taiwan friendly policies, insisted on promoting integration through benefits, and actively explored a new way of integrated development between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits. Centering on twelve innovative mechanisms, including high-quality development of the park, agricultural development support, forest policy guarantee, project land guarantee, financial credit services, and entity sales incentives, we established a science and technology innovation service center, Taiwan related procuratorial liaison office, Taiwan equity protection judge studio, Xianyoutai Innovation Park Economic Investigation and Police Liaison Station, and cooperated with the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, universities, Taiwan Association The Taiwan Federation and others established a contact mechanism. We also jointly issued financial credit certificates for Taiwan enterprises and Taiwan compatriots in the park. A total of 27 Taiwan enterprise credit certificates and 19 Taiwan compatriots' credit certificates were issued. We successfully recommended 13 Taiwan enterprises in the park to be included in the county's "white list", enjoyed the financing guarantee services of the county's small and medium-sized enterprise guarantee companies, and guided Xianyou Rural Commercial Bank and other financial institutions in the county to innovate and launch characteristic financial products, We launched special financial services for Taiwan farmers in the park.

Xianyou Platform Innovation Park covers 9 towns and villages, including Youyang, Bangtou, Zhongshan, Shicang, Caixi, Shexing, Shufeng, Duwei and Xiyuan, with an area of 1175 square kilometers. It is one of the six national platform innovation parks in Fujian Province. Up to now, there are 87 Taiwan funded enterprises and self-employed businesses in the park, and the total output value of the park will reach 530 million yuan in 2023. (Chen Guomeng)