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Jiang Xuguang: Accelerate the construction of the national water network and contribute to the national water security

Zhu Jiang, Wang Xuechun
October 23, 2023 14:54 | Source: People's Daily Online - Powerful Countries Forum
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Throughout the ages, human beings have lived by water, and civilization has grown with water. Water is the source of life on which we live and develop.

"The summer flood season is dry in winter, and the north is short of the south abundant. The spatial and temporal distribution of water resources is extremely uneven, which has always been the basic water regime of China. Building a national water network is related to national development and security, and is the fundamental measure to solve the problem of spatial and temporal distribution of water resources in China." Jiang Xuguang, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and chairman of the China South to North Water Transfer Group, said in an exclusive interview with People's Daily Online.

Taocha canal head hydroproject is the "faucet" of the middle route project of the South to North Water Transfer Project. Picture provided by China South to North Water Diversion Group News and Publicity Center

On May 25, 2023, the Outline of the National Water Network Construction Plan issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council proposed to "accelerate the construction of a national water network that is complete, safe, reliable, intensive, efficient, green, intelligent, circular, and orderly regulated".

The south-to-north water diversion is a national event. What role has the South to North Water Transfer Project played in accelerating the construction of the national water network?

"The Outline of the National Water Network Construction Plan proposes to speed up the main tasks of the national water network construction from three aspects, namely, the" outline ", the" goal "and the" conclusion "." Jiang Xuguang said that the "outline" of building the national water network is to focus on the national major strategy, take the main streams of major rivers and important rivers and lakes as the basis, and focus on the east, middle and west lines of the South to North Water Transfer Project, We will scientifically promote the planning and construction of a number of major water diversion and drainage projects, and accelerate the construction of the main framework and arteries of the national water network.

The South to North Water Transfer Project is the main framework and artery of the national water network. It is planned to divide into three routes: the east, the middle and the west. Water will be transferred from the lower, middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River to the north, connecting the Yangtze River, Huaihe River, Yellow River and Haihe River basins, and building a water resource allocation pattern of "four horizontal and three vertical lines, north-south allocation, and east-west mutual aid". The scope of the water receiving area can basically cover the Yellow River, Huaihe River basin, Jiaodong Peninsula, and parts of inland rivers in northwest China, With a direct beneficiary population of nearly 500 million, it is the largest water transfer project in the world.

The "throat" of the Middle Route Project of South to North Water Transfer - Yellow River Crossing Project. Picture provided by China South to North Water Diversion Group News and Publicity Center

Jiang Xuguang introduced that since the first phase of the East and Middle Route of the South to North Water Transfer Project was fully completed and opened to water on December 12, 2014, the accumulated water transfer has exceeded 65 billion cubic meters, directly benefiting more than 176 million people, and providing strong water resources support for the economic and social development of more than 280 counties, cities, and more than 40 large and medium-sized cities along the line. The project has also implemented nearly 10 billion cubic meters of ecological water replenishment, fundamentally reversing the trend of groundwater level in North China since the 1970s, and helping the Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal to achieve full water flow for nearly a century for two consecutive years.

As the top priority of the "outline" of building a national water network, the South to North Water Transfer Project focuses on solving the problem of uneven spatial distribution of water resources at the national level, achieving large-scale spatial balance, and will comprehensively enhance China's ability to coordinate and allocate water resources, flood prevention and strategic storage, Provide strong water resources support and water security guarantee for the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country.

Jiangdu Water Control Project is the starting point of the East Route of South to North Water Transfer Project. Picture provided by China South to North Water Diversion Group News and Publicity Center

The report of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed to "strengthen the construction of security capacity in key areas and ensure the security of food, energy and resources, and the supply chain of important industrial chains".

The South to North Water Transfer Project is a major strategic infrastructure to optimize China's water resources allocation and ensure national water security, which is related to the overall strategy, long-term development and people's well-being. How to do a good job in the "three safety" work of South to North Water Transfer Project safety, water supply safety and water quality safety in building a national security pattern?

Jiang Xuguang said that from the perspective of the South to North Water Transfer Project, it is necessary to properly handle the relationship between the "three safety" and "high-quality development" of the South to North Water Transfer Project, unswervingly adhere to the bottom line of project safety, water supply safety and water quality safety, build the foundation for high-quality development of the South to North Water Transfer Project, and unswervingly accelerate the high-quality development of the follow-up projects of the South to North Water Transfer Project, To develop and enhance the guarantee capacity of the "three security" of the South to North Water Transfer Project; From the perspective of the Group, to properly handle the relationship between "intrinsic safety" and "high-quality development", it is necessary to always strengthen the management and control of safety production, capital prevention and control, capital investment, etc., and also to accelerate development. Without rapid development, it is impossible to provide concepts, technology, talents, materials and other support guarantees for higher level safety; From the perspective of national security needs, we should properly handle the relationship between "water security" and "high-quality development". We should not only maintain the "three security" of the existing East Middle Line Project, provide water security for food, energy and other security, but also accelerate the high-quality development of follow-up projects, providing support for water security, food security, energy security, ecological security and national defense security.

As the only inter basin and super large water supply project development and operation group directly managed by the central government, how will China South to North Water Diversion Group play the role of the national team and main force in the construction of the national water network, and promote the high-quality development of the national water network cause of South to North Water Diversion?

Jiang Xuguang said that the Group actively participated in the revision of the overall planning of the South to North Water Diversion Project around the "outline" of building the national water network, promoted the construction of the Middle Line Water Diversion Project with high standards and quality, planned the construction of the regulation and storage projects along the line, actively promoted the project establishment and construction of the second phase of the East Line Project, and strengthened the major thematic research and multi scheme comparison and demonstration of the West Line Project, Accelerate the early commencement of the west line project; Focusing on the "goal" of organizing and densifying the national water network, actively participate in the development and construction of regional water resources allocation projects, irrigation area projects, river and lake ecological restoration and treatment projects, help promote the interconnection of national major water network projects and regional major water network projects, and improve the coverage and service capacity of the water network; Focusing on strengthening the "knot" of the national water network, we will actively participate in the construction of controlled regulation and storage projects and key water source projects, take into account the comprehensive functions of flood control, irrigation, navigation, power generation, ecology, etc., improve the ability to regulate water resources, and give full play to the comprehensive functions and benefits of the project.

"At the same time, in accordance with the Outline of the National Water Network Construction Plan The identified requirements for promoting the safe development, green development, smart development, integrated development, and improvement of the system and mechanism of the national water network, actively expanding the main water related industries, extending the aquatic industry chain, promoting the coordinated and integrated development of the water network and the new urbanization strategy, rural revitalization strategy, regional coordinated development strategy, and modern agriculture, ecological environmental protection, clean energy, culture and tourism, shipping and other industries, Through the "water transfer+" innovation of the water network construction and operation mode, the comprehensive benefits of the whole life cycle of the water network infrastructure will be improved in multiple formats, and the power of state-owned central enterprises will be contributed to the construction of the national water network, so that it will continue to benefit the nation and the people. " Jiang Xuguang said.

(Editor in charge: Zhu Jiang, He Yingchun)

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