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To do this "beautiful" thing well in one's life

10:41, December 21, 2022 | Source: People's Daily Online - Powerful Countries Forum
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Shen Guofang, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, has been dealing with forestry for 72 years and has traveled all over China's major forest regions, witnessing that China has gone from lack of forest to lack of green, and has become a country with the largest area of artificial afforestation and the fastest growth of forest resources in the world.

Dong Rui, "the second generation of Lin", grew up in the mountains and studied forestry. He came to do ecological patrolling after graduation. He has been sticking to the front line of Xishuangbanna National Nature Reserve in Yunnan for 18 years.

They are different in age, experience and position, but they all regard building a beautiful China as their lifelong pursuit.

The first episode of the series of short films "Chinese Dream My Dream" goes online brilliantly. Let's go into the inner world of two ecological builders, listen to their dream stories, and feel their struggle movement. In this way, we salute every dreamer!


(Editor in charge: Zhou Jing, He Yingchun)

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