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Uncover the "Mystery Veil" of the Plant World

10:08, April 26, 2022 | Source: People's Daily Online - Powerful Countries Forum
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Video production: Gao Yuan, reporter of People's Daily Online

People's Daily Online, Beijing, April 26 (Reporter Ding Yixin) The official unveiling of the National Botanical Garden in Beijing was recently shown on the Internet, and many citizens and tourists came to "punch in" for photos. What are the functions of this national botanical garden? How are so many plants protected? Recently, a reporter from People's Daily Online came to the South Garden of the National Botanical Garden, the Institute of Botany of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

It is understood that the National Botanical Garden is organically integrated based on the existing conditions of the Institute of Botany of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (South Garden) and the Beijing Botanical Garden (North Garden) through capacity expansion and efficiency increase, with a total planning area of nearly 600 hectares. It focuses on ex situ protection of plant resources and plant science research, and has four major functions, including science communication and garden and horticulture display. It is a comprehensive national plant diversity protection base.

Compared with the bustling North Park, the South Park across the road is much quieter. This is the oldest plant science research institution in China. It has the largest herbarium in Asia with 2.87 million specimens; There are 6 national flower germplasm resources banks, including peony, water lily and wild fern; The germplasm resource bank has preserved tens of thousands of plant seeds, tissues and organs.

At the Nanyuan Herbarium and the Plant Science Data Center, the reporter will take you to learn about the preservation and production of plant specimens, and how the electronic "Household Register" (Flora of China) of Chinese plants is refined. Let's open the "secret veil" of the plant world together!

(Editor in charge: Zhou Jing, He Yingchun)

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