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Micro video | The common "star" wish of generations of aerospace people

Tangjiafang warp
08:14, April 24, 2022 | Source: People's Daily Online - Powerful Countries Forum
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Video production: Ge Taiyi intern Ke Anmi, Li Yuantong

April 24, 2022 is the seventh China Aerospace Day.

Today, 52 years ago, when the clock was turned back, China's first man-made earth satellite, "Dongfanghong-1", was successfully launched, opening the journey of China's space industry from pioneering to starry sea.

"On the 25th, the People's Daily will come out. We will celebrate by beating gongs and drums in the street. We will go to the street to celebrate. We are very excited!"

Hu Qizheng, a member of the overall team of the "Dongfanghong-1" satellite, recalled that the colleagues involved in the research and development were waiting on the roof to watch the satellite fly overhead. "On time, it flew slowly from the west! We could see clearly, and everyone jumped up and cheered."

"It seems that the successful launch of Dongfanghong-1 was just yesterday, when we also embarked on the road of development with hopes and dreams." Peng Chengrong, who was once the head of a satellite overall team, said that a generation of spacemen had made countless efforts to this end, and even if it was difficult, they would have no regrets.

"I have a dream that when I grow up, I want to be a member of the 'expedition'. On the way, I will say hello to the 'Dongfanghong-1' again." Du Mingzhen, a student of the Experimental Primary School of the High School Affiliated to the People's Congress, wrote a composition on the theme of "aerospace" with every stroke.

Yin Jiayi, a student of the Space City School of the High School Affiliated to the National People's Congress, said, "I have a dream that I will become an aerospace scientist like my father when I grow up." Her father currently works at the China Astronaut Center and is now carrying out the Tianzhou IV mission at Wenchang Satellite Launch Center.

In the bright classroom, Du Mingzhen and Yin Jiayi carefully recited their compositions and recorded them into a video, which was presented to Grandpa Hu and Grandpa Peng to witness the common "star" wish of several generations of spacemen after decades.

(Editor in charge: Fang Jinglun, He Yingchun)

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