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Peng Guangqian Talks about the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea: Victory of the Chinese National Heroism

October 28, 2020 16:35 | Source: People's Daily Online - Powerful Countries Forum
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People's Network Beijing October 28 (Qu Yuan, Wang Shuai, Wang Xianjin) This year marks the 70th anniversary of the Chinese People's Volunteers' War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. Looking back at the great war to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea, the Chinese People's Volunteer Army "defeated" more steel and less gas "with" less steel and more gas ", and wrote a magnificent epic that shocked the world and sobbed ghosts and gods." Recently, Peng Guangqian, an expert on military strategy, said in an interview with the People's Daily Online reporter that the success of peace was not easy, and the victory of the war to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea just demonstrated the spirit of "less steel and more gas", It is a song of righteousness of the Chinese nation and a victory of our concept of justice.

On October 19, 1950, the Chinese People's Volunteers bravely crossed the Yalu River and fought with the Korean people against the invaders. Shen Jizhong

Powerful Countries Forum: The conference to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Chinese People's Volunteers' War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on the morning of the 23rd. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, delivered an important speech at the meeting. What impressed you most about the speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping?

Peng Guangqian: The speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping was very inspiring, which can be said to be a declaration that in the new historical period, we should defeat all enemies at home and abroad, overcome all difficulties and obstacles, and move forward to the great goal of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. It is a pledge meeting of the whole nation, the whole party, and the whole army. The significance of holding this conference at an important historical moment when China and the world are facing unprecedented changes in a century is very far-reaching.

From the speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping, I think the key point is to carry forward the dauntless spirit of the Chinese nation and not be afraid of all oppression and hostile forces. We won the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. Why did we win? Where did you win and why? It is not because we have many guns, many people and gradually improved weapons. The key lies in the popularity of the people. This is the victory of peace and justice. The spirit of "less steel and more gas" in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea is a song of integrity of the Chinese nation.

At present, China is faced with new tasks and new situations. Although it has encountered various difficulties, it is confident to overcome them and overcome all difficulties and obstacles, because we have the spirit inherited from the great victory of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea and the dauntless heroism.

Powerful Countries Forum: In his speech, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that the Chinese nation is a peace loving nation and the Chinese people are peace loving people. How do you evaluate China's view of peace?

Peng Guangqian: The Chinese nation is a peace loving nation. No other nation in the world cherishes peace, supports peace and maintains peace like the Chinese nation. But the pursuit of peace comes at a price. Peace is not shouted out. Peace comes from struggle, even with blood and life. Only when we are not afraid of war and dare to meet it can we eliminate it and win it. That is what General Secretary Xi Jinping said: dare to fight, be good at fighting, and dare to win. I think from the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea and from the speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping, we can sum up China's concept of peace, that is, the Chinese people love peace and are not afraid of fighting and sacrifice for peace.

Powerful Countries Forum: The great victory of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea is a declaration that the Chinese people stand up in the east of the world after standing up, an important milestone for the Chinese nation to move towards great rejuvenation, and has great and far-reaching significance for China and the world. How do you understand the impact of this war on the whole world?

Peng Guangqian: The impact of this war is not only China's victory, but also beyond the whole era, affecting the whole world model, even the world mechanism model after the war. The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea declared that China, as a big country, is able to maintain its own security in Asia and the world. The great victory of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea has safeguarded the security of New China, guaranteed the smooth progress of the economic recovery and construction of New China, enhanced the national self-confidence of the Chinese people, and inspired the will and determination of the people of the world to defend world peace and oppose aggression.

Powerful Countries Forum: Due to the COVID-19 epidemic this year, the situation at home and abroad has changed a lot. How do you think we should carry forward the spirit of fighting the US and aiding Korea to deal with the current complex difficulties and situations?

Peng Guangqian: I think the epidemic is a natural disaster. The enemies we have to face are not only the enemies of nature, but also various obstacles from human society. The enemies of nature can be solved by following the scientific laws, but some hostile forces use the epidemic situation to exert pressure on China in an attempt to safeguard their hegemonism, unilateralism, their domineering interests, undermine China's grand blueprint, and block China's progress. This is the complex situation and problem we are facing.

To deal with this difficulty is how to carry forward the spirit of resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea, and deal with the situation that has not changed in a century. When we talk about the spirit of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea, we should mention heroes. Who are heroes? All Chinese people are heroes. A just force under the leadership of the Communist Party of China is all the brave soldiers. In addition to those who fight, those who are supported by the rear are heroes. Without the heroic spirit of the Chinese nation, we would not have won such a victory. It is not the victory of a certain person or a certain battle, but the victory of the heroic spirit of the entire Chinese nation. The more difficult the times are, the more we should carry forward our heroic spirit, awe inspiring righteousness and self-improvement.

There are a few words in the Zhengqi song, "There is Zhengqi in heaven and earth, and miscellaneous manifold". Since ancient times, the Chinese nation has experienced disasters, overcome all difficulties and obstacles, and passed all rapids and rapids. In the final analysis, it is the awe inspiring righteousness of the Chinese nation to constantly strive for self-improvement.

Powerful Countries Forum: In today's world, how can China work with other countries to maintain world peace and stability?

Peng Guangqian: Our whole war to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea is for peace. The People's Republic of China was just founded at that time. If we want to live in peace and stability and build our own homeland, the problem is that others will not let us. This war is a war of necessity, a war imposed on the Chinese people. The world peace needs everyone's joint efforts. Only the Chinese people's own efforts are not enough. We need everyone to unite to usher in peace. Peace and struggle are dialectical relations. The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea has given us important enlightenment. Only through struggle can we achieve peace and maintain peace, can we truly have peace to speak of.

(Editor in charge: Wang Xianjin, Zhang Guigui)

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